The Chinese government is embarking upon a long-term program to support energy efficiency in the industrial and building sectors. This project supports the first phase (3 years) of that program. The project’s purpose is the removal of barriers to the widespread application and practice of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the major energy consuming sectors (buildings and industrial) in China. The project fosters a strategic approach to developing, implementing and enforcing a comprehensive and effective energy conservation policy and regulatory system consistent with the objectives of the Energy Conservation Law of 1998. The project will play a catalytic role in promoting energy efficiency improvement and market development in China. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the project and intends for it to be the overarching framework for international cooperation on end-use energy efficiency. This will enable activities of other donors to be integrated under the overall framework of the EUEEP thereby mobilizing far greater national and international resources for energy conservation than the GEF can fund. GEF $17 m.; total project cost: $80 m., including $31 m. from gov't and $32 m. from private sector. Also expected leveraged financing of $156 m. from private sector, for total financing of $236 m. over 3 years.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
State Development and Planning Commission (SDPC)
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed