Show only projects (46)
GEF_ID Project Title Documents Countries GEF Agency Focal Areas
11474 Energy resilience and security for the residential and public sector in Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda UNDP Climate Change
11467 Greening Transportation Infrastructure Development   Global, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Suriname, Ukraine WWF-US, ADB, UNEP Multi Focal Area
11452 Program for improving sustainable marine fisheries opportunities in SADC – The Case of the Mozambique Channel. Regional, Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Mozambique AfDB International Waters
11451 Integrated Management for Sustainable Reduction (IMSRed) of POPs, Highly Hazardous Pesticides, and industrial chemicals in Argentina Argentina UNDP Chemicals and Waste
11449 Strengthening the System of Protected Areas and Improvement of its Financial Sustainability Paraguay CI Biodiversity
11437 Global Clean Hydrogen Programme Global, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Malaysia, Namibia, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa UNIDO Climate Change
11435 Improving wetlands management for biodiversity and improved human-wildlife coexistence. Timor Leste CI Multi Focal Area
11434 Towards a more circular Uruguay (Uruguay + Circular) Uruguay UNDP Chemicals and Waste
11432 BioSouth: The Pacific-Andean-Amazonian Ecological and Cultural Connectivity Corridor Colombia UNDP Multi Focal Area
11430 Integrated Program for HFC Phasing Down and Sustainable Cooling for Tajikistan Tajikistan UNDP Chemicals and Waste
11428 Eliminating hazardous chemicals from the supply chain of the construction sector in Morocco Morocco UNIDO Chemicals and Waste
11426 Restoration and Preservation of Key Biodiversity Areas and Ecosystems in Anbar Province, Iraq. Iraq UNDP Multi Focal Area
11425 Polychlorinated Biphenyls-free Indonesia: Financing a shift to more efficient energy systems through the elimination of related waste and contaminated equipment Indonesia UNIDO Chemicals and Waste
11422 Lake Ecosystem Restoration in Indonesia through Integrated Governance, Landscape, and Community-based Approaches. Indonesia IFAD Multi Focal Area
11420 Sound management of polychlorobiphenyls in Cote d’Ivoire, phase II - objective 2028 of the Stockholm Convention Cote d'Ivoire UNIDO Chemicals and Waste
11410 Strengthening integrated transboundary source-to-sea management of the Ruvuma River Basin and its coastal zones to ensure ecosystem health and livelihood security Regional, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania IUCN International Waters
11405 Accelerating Transition to a Circular Economy in India’s Electrical and Electronic Sector through Sustainable Integrated Approaches India UNDP Chemicals and Waste
11402 Land Degradation Neutrality for Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Dominican Republic Dominican Republic FAO Multi Focal Area
11400 Building climate resilience of communities in Cambodia’s protected landscapes: biodiversity-friendly crop-livestock systems for adaptation Cambodia FAO Multi Focal Area
11398 Tajikistan Ecosystem Restoration and Resilient Agriculture (TERRA) Project Tajikistan IFAD Multi Focal Area
11396 Sustainable Management of Ecosystems in Miombo Ecoregions of Zambia Zambia World Bank Multi Focal Area
11395 Enhancing biodiversity conservation and reducing climate vulnerability in Central Vietnam for sustainable development utilizing a landscape approach Viet Nam WWF-US Multi Focal Area
11394 Inclusive Conservation, Restoration, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Priority Ecoregions Argentina UNDP Biodiversity
11391 Guinean Forests (GEF-8 Amazon, Congo and Critical Forest Biomes Integrated Program) Addendum (February 2024) Regional, Guinea-Bissau, Togo CI, FAO, IUCN Multi Focal Area
11389 Adaptive management and restoration of degraded Aleppo pine forest in the Kasserine governorate (Tunisia) to strengthen resilience to climate change, conserve biodiversity, improve productivity and food security Tunisia FAO Land Degradation
11386 Acción Páramos: conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the páramos in Ecuador Ecuador UNEP Biodiversity
11378 Central Asia Water and Land Nexus (CAWLN) for Ecosystem Restoration, Improved Natural Resource Management and Increased Resilience Regional, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan FAO Multi Focal Area
11349 Clean and Healthy Ocean Integrated Program (CHO-IP) Global, Grenada, Jordan, Madagascar, Maldives, Mexico, Moldova, Panama, Peru, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts and Nevis, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Viet Nam FAO, ADB, CAF, UNDP, CI, EBRD, UNEP, World Bank, IADB Multi Focal Area
11348 Restoring Ecosystem Connectivity for Biodiversity and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Litani Watershed Project (ECONNECT) Lebanon IFAD Land Degradation
11347 Reimagining National Parks for People and Nature - Mega Living Landscapes Project South Africa WWF-US Biodiversity
11337 Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program Phase 3- Addendum Council Meeting Feb 5, 2024 Regional, Guyana World Bank, FAO Multi Focal Area
11336 Recovering the Sustainability of Ecosystems Affected by Drought in Northeastern Argentina Argentina UNDP Land Degradation
11331 Restoration and sustainable management of Land for improved livelihoods in the degraded landscapes of Free State and Northwest Provinces of South Africa South Africa IUCN Multi Focal Area
11327 Living Amazon Mechanism Brazil Funbio Biodiversity
11326 IFC/GEF Green Global Supply Chain Decarbonization Platform Global World Bank Multi Focal Area
11324 Innovative use of financial instruments for Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean Regional IADB Biodiversity
11304 Enhancing transboundary fisheries management in the Lower Mekong Basin Regional, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Viet Nam IUCN Multi Focal Area
11270 Barbados - Accelerating transition to climate-resilient agrifood systems (BATCRAS) Barbados FAO Climate Change
11214 Food Systems Integrated Program Global, Angola, Argentina, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, Grenada, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Türkiye, Uganda, Indonesia FAO, World Bank, UNDP, IUCN, IFAD Multi Focal Area
11210 Sustainable Wool and Mohair Value chain Competitiveness project (WaMCoP) Lesotho IFAD Multi Focal Area
11167 Restoration of Wetlands and other important Amazonian Ecosystems - Capacity-building, innovation, development and technological transfer for ecological restoration and climate change mitigation Brazil FAO Multi Focal Area
11148 Wildlife Conservation for Development Integrated Program Global, Colombia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guinea, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Paraguay, Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Zambia World Bank, UNDP, ADB, WWF-US, CI, IUCN, UNEP Multi Focal Area
11116 Promoting sustainable economic benefits through the conservation of critical biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Eastern Coastal Region of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka UNDP Multi Focal Area
11114 Rehabilitating and conserving the mountain landscapes in Khangai region of Mongolia for improved ecosystem services and community livelihoods Mongolia FAO Multi Focal Area
11064 Private Sector Energy Efficiency Programme Phase 2 (PSEEP2) South Africa DBSA Climate Change
11053 Implementation of the La Plata Basin SAP priorities through regional and national actions Regional, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay CAF International Waters