High mountain body of water with plants and mountains

Climate change is a multiplier of challenges, so how can we adapt in the high mountains of Colombia?

The Colombian high-mountain region is constantly affected by the advance of urban footprints and the expansion of the agricultural frontier, which significantly contribute to the loss of biodiversity and the ecosystem services provided by the páramos. Additionally, the impacts of climate…
Green landscape with mountains in background

Building small island resilience through shared learning: insights from the Caribbean

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean face significant environmental challenges, compounded by their vulnerability to climate change impacts. Addressing wide-ranging challenges including biodiversity loss, land degradation, deforestation, water scarcity, food insecurity, and waste…
Grazing cows crossing a road in Zambia

Feeding the world, protecting the environment

More than 820 million people in the world are affected by food insecurity and malnutrition. An additional 2 billion people globally suffer from “hidden hunger” - a lack of essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, and zinc. Demand for animal protein products continues to grow, supported by…
Firefighters battle a blaze

What firefighters have taught us about working together

They journeyed from 11 countries on five continents. From as far as South Africa and as close as the United States: hundreds of firefighters working to dousing the wildfires that have done unparalleled damage to Canadian forests this year and sent plumes of thick smoke across North America. Their…
Two smiling Senegalese women walking through a dry corn field

Countries build climate resilience by learning from one another

To build a more climate-resilient world we need to learn from the experiences of diverse countries – what has worked, what has not, and what should be tried in new locations. This is especially true for developing countries with limited means to adapt to changes in weather, water, and storm…
Young plant growing in light

We have two months to start healing the world

Back-to-back summits on climate change and biodiversity will offer the world a unique chance to come together on two of the most critical issues of our time - climate and biodiversity. Change is possible. But given the size of the crises, we must use the coming two months to be brutally honest…
Aerial view of farm landscape

Climate solutions can contribute to tackling poverty

For developing countries throughout the world, efforts to tackle climate change can create opportunities to improve the well-being of people living in extreme poverty. A report just launched by Drawdown Lift, a program of Project Drawdown, provides a synthesis of such win-win opportunities. The…
Sorobouly village, near Boromo, Burkina Faso. Sougué Saoué, 37 years old, farmer collects cobat fruit

Supporting transparency to drive ambitious climate action

Over the past five years, the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) has helped more than 80 countries improve their ability to monitor and share their progress toward international climate goals. The improved reporting and transparency resulting from CBIT support has had a truly game…
Park in Lujiazui financial center, Shanghai, China

Building with nature for a better climate

Nature finally got its rightful place within climate negotiations at COP26 in November. It was the first time – despite the well-established links between the climate and biodiversity crises – that we saw so much emphasis at an international summit on the positive role that nature can play in…
Ethiopian woman watching over sheep flock at sunset

Climate finance and the urgency for adaptation in the developing world

There is growing momentum in the international community to ramp up climate finance for mitigation and adaptation actions. Undoubtedly, a focus on climate change adaptation in the developing world must be a priority for the financing. At the same time, there is a rallying call for countries to…

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