Intersection in Japan with text overlay \"What do #SustainableCities look like to you?\"

Cities to share smart solutions to urban sustainability

There is strength in numbers, the old idiom goes. Indeed, history shows that collaboration fosters ideas and results. Next week, the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities, or GPSC, will convene in New Delhi, India, to again share ideas and build on their collective vision: to work towards shaping…
The future of all life on Earth depends on how we manage the interdependencies between environment and development. Photo: Olga Kashubin/Shutterstock.

Environmental challenges need integrated solutions

At last month’s landmark Paris Conference, world leaders committed to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. The historic agreement is a major boost for efforts to spur investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future.  But, delivering on the promise…

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