Wind turbines on Costa Rica ridgelines. Photo: Stefan Scherer-Emunds/Shutterstock.

Helping countries improve transparency to meet bold climate commitments

Costa Rica has an ambitious goal to become the first carbon neutral nation in the world by 2021. The Central American country has long been known for its environmental stewardship, but the commitments Costa Rica made for itself under the Paris Agreement have set a new high bar for decarbonization.…
Our failure to act over the past decades means that we are increasingly accepting that a part of our climate disruption is irreversible, and looking at adapting to it. But this, of course, should not prevent us from setting targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to stop it getting worse. Photo: testing/Shutterstock.

Pricing carbon will help us better deal with climate change

Nearly 1,400 companies are adopting an internal carbon price so as to future-proof prosperity The impact of climate disruption is already visible worldwide: irreversible damage to the oceans, more floods and prolonged droughts, which are causing issues for food production. Methane explosions in…
The Marshall Islands is convening an entirely online Virtual Summit of the Climate Vulnerable Forum on 22 November 2018. Photo: Shutterstock.

First-ever Virtual Climate Summit to urge for greater action on global warming

The world’s first-ever Virtual Climate Summit will take place tomorrow, November 22, to renew political momentum in tackling climate change. Announcing the summit at the 6th GEF Assembly in Da Nang Hilda Heine, the President of the Marshall Islands and Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)…
Protesters with signs urging to save the planet with climate control. July, 2015, Toronto, Canada.

When it comes to fighting climate change, citizen action matters

On April 19-22, world leaders gathered at the United Nations Headquarters to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Ahead of the high-level summit, UN agencies and partners responsible for the climate change agenda were producing press releases, media advisories, and running social media…
Logo for Paris Climate Agreement signing ceremony

Safeguarding the global commons is the wisest investment we can make

Scientists tell us that the biophysical processes that determine the stability and resilience of Earth, our “planetary boundaries” that allowed our societies to thrive during the past 10,000 years, are being pushed to their limit. Evidence is mounting that the miraculously, favorable Earth…
The future of all life on Earth depends on how we manage the interdependencies between environment and development. Photo: Olga Kashubin/Shutterstock.

Environmental challenges need integrated solutions

At last month’s landmark Paris Conference, world leaders committed to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. The historic agreement is a major boost for efforts to spur investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future.  But, delivering on the promise…

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