
Adaptive Management and Learning (Fact Sheet)

The Adaptive Management and Learning Project is designed to increase cooperation between agencies, countries, sectors and supply chains within the scope of the Good Growth Partnership. The project will be responsible for the partnership’s initiatives that target responsible demand, enable…

Marine Biodiversity and Wetlands Conservation in Viet Nam - Experiences from GEF small projects

This paper of lessons learnt depicts results gathered from several GEF SGP funded projects on marine and wetlands ecosystem conservation implemented in localities in Viet Nam.
AKE cover

Art of Knowledge Exchange: A Results-Focused Planning Guide for the GEF Partnership

This guide highlights a variety of GEF case studies and examples of successful knowledge exchange in GEF projects, as well as lessons learned from implementing these initiatives for enhanced global environmental impact. It is the product of collaboration across the GEF partnership, offering a…

Experience in Europe and the CIS region with clean energy: UNDP, GEF, and UNECE

This publication shows that improving energy efficiency can play an important role in helping countries meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement. The first part of the brochure presents eight case studies of technical assistance projects by UNDP and GEF in energy efficiency in eight…

Energy Efficiency Success Stories in Kazakhstan

Success stories of GEF/UNDP projects in Kazakhstan on energy saving in housing and community utilities and construction.

Time to Adapt: Insights from the GEF's Experience in Adaptation to Climate Change

This publication is a joint effort by the GEF partnership to showcase some of the insights gained from the now substantial portfolio of GEF-funded adaptation projects. The GEF has invested over $1.3 billion to help communities in the developing world adapt to climate change, notably through the…

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