Cover image for Voices from the land publication

Voices from the land: Restoring soil and enriching lives

As vital to our existence as air or water, land is one of our greatest shared assets – and degradation of that land one our most pressing common challenges. Unchecked degradation threatens not only human wellbeing but that of the entire planet, contributing to accelerating climate change and loss…
Cover of GEF Land Degradation bifold

Land Degradation

Land degradation is one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems, happening at an alarming pace, and it will worsen without rapid remedial action. Globally, about 25 percent of the total land area has been degraded. When land is degraded, soil carbon and nitrous oxide are released into…
Cover for Feeding people, protecting the planet - FAO and the GEF: partners in action

Feeding people, protecting the planet - FAO and the GEF: partners in action

The booklet highlights success stories from FAO's work with the GEF over the past two decades in addressing the critical nexus between agriculture and the environment.

Land Degradation Neutrality at the GEF

The GEF has quickly responded to decisions of UNCCD COP12 in Ankara (2015) and started to support Land Degradation Neutrality target setting and implementation through several projects in GEF-6, which are summarized in this brochure.

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