Global Programme to Support Countries to Upscale Integrated Electric Mobility Systems - Addendum June 2024

GEFSEC ReviewProgram Document
The GEF-8 “Global Programme to Support Countries to Upscale Integrated Electric Mobility Systems” aims at upscaling integrated e-mobility system projects including investment and to establish a global framework to address key challenges of used electric vehicles, end-of-life electric vehicles and batteries & circularity [Unchanged from original PFD]

Improving the source to sea governance to reduce the impacts on the transboundary large marine ecosystems in the SICA region

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To enhance environmental sustainability, economic prosperity and climate resilience in the Pacific, Central American Coastal and Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystems through a Source-to-Sea approach that safeguards marine and freshwater resources for ecosystems and livelihoods.

Global Chemicals Monitoring Programme to support implementation of Stockholm and Minamata Conventions (GCMP)

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Global monitoring of POPs and mercury to contribute to the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention and provide data to support the effectiveness evaluation mechanism of the Minamata Convention.

Strengthening Indonesia's Reduction and Elimination in the Distribution and Supply Chain of Mercury from National Health (SIRENE)

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This project will assist the Government of Indonesia to eliminate mercury in the distribution and supply chain of mercury containing medical devices (MCMDs) from the health sector, establish systems and introduce technologies for mercury safe disposal and create mechanism for the sustainable and circular introduction of mercury free medical devices (MFMD)

Rehabilitation and restoration of ecosystems in the Gum Arabic belt and sustainable use of forest resources in Mauritania

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The objective is to combat land degradation through the restoration, sustainable management and use of agro-silvopastoral landscapes and associated ecosystem services as well as goods, including Gum Arabic and other NTFPs