Strengthening national capacity for implementing the enhanced transparency framework in Belize.

CEO ApprovalCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document
This CBIT project objective is to strengthen the national transparency system in Belize to meet the requirements of the ETF under the Paris Agreement. Through the development of a “Transparency Management System”, it aims to produce high-quality climate information that Belize will use to improve and streamline its climate data management cycle, including planning, data collection, data processing and analysis, information publishing and sharing, data preservation and data reuse.

GEF announces support of eligible Country Parties for UNCCD reporting in GEF-8

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The Global Environment Facility has been supporting the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) national reporting process through the funding of so-called enabling activity projects since 2010 throughout the GEF-5, GEF-6, and GEF-7 funding cycles. UNCCD COP14 invited the GEF to continue supporting Parties to meet their reporting obligations under the Convention and to provide adequate financial resources in a timely manner. In response, the GEF will continue its support in the current GEF-8 funding cycle.

Inclusive Conservation Initiative Phase 2 Report: A Focus on Inclusive Finance

The Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI) Phase 2 Report provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made towards inclusive conservation practices and the implementation of Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and local communities (LCs)-led initiatives over the past year. Supported by the Global Environment Facility, this initiative highlights the leadership of IPs and LCs in conservation efforts and the delivery of global environmental benefits.