Financing Public Building Efficiency

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Project Review SheetSTAP Review
Project Objective: The EBRD-GEF project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Romania by improving energy efficiency in public buildings. The project will capitalize on the existing positive policy environment by addressing barriers to municipal project financing through a targeted technical assistance program.

Sustainable Transport in the City Of Almaty

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPIPPG DocumentProject Review SheetSTAP Review
The objective of the project is to reduce the growth of transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the City of Almaty, while simultaneously improving urban environmental conditions by 1) improving the management of public transport and air quality in Almaty; 2) building capacity in Almaty to holisically plan and implement improvements in the efficiency and quality of public transport; 3) building capacity to holistically plan and implement integrated traffic management measures in Almaty city; and 4) implementing a demonstration project that raises awareness and increases knowledge o

Enabling Paradigm Shift on Monitoring and Assessment within the UNCCD - Piloting the Reporting of the Performance Indicators 2010

CEO Endorsement Letter TO Impl AgencyLetter of SupportPIF Document for WPIProject Document (for CEO Endorsement)STAP Review
Project Objective: The long term objective is to identify priority areas for investment to enhance implementation of UNCCD. The immediate objective of the project is to undertake a scientifically rigorous and credible assessment of the performance of the implementation of the UNCCD at the national, sub-regional, regional and global levels and to build/strengthen capacity and knowledge management systems for subsequent assessments.

BS Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework

4022_2021_te_unep_gef_msp_speg_NBF_Bangladesh (002)Bangladesh BS_Tracking Tool_endofprojectEndorsement requestFinal Endorsement DocProjectOutput Summary_Bangladesh_IMP_NBFRevised PIF docRevised PPG doc
To assist Bangladesh to implement the National Biosafety Framework in compliance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety through enhancing the existing capacity on Biosafety at the Institutional, Individual and Systemic levels in Bangladesh, as well as to address national needs and priorities.