Umbrella Programme for National Communication to the UNFCCC

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
The project will provide financial and technical support for the preparation of National Communications (NCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 14 non-Annex I Parties that have completed preparation of their current national communications. The proposed project will seek to strengthen the information base and institutional capacity of the national institutions involved in the development of national communications in order to integrate climate change priorities into development strategies and relevant sector programs.

ARCTIC: Improvement of Environmental Governance and Knowledge Management for SAP-Arctic Implementation

To assist Russian Federation in improving environmental governance systems in the Arctic region to reduce multiple stressors on coastal and terrestrial ecosystems and improve ecosystem resilience through implementation of ICM strategy and plans, promotion of public-private partnerships and targeted interventions supporting Strategic Action Programme for protection of the Russian Arctic environment (SAP-Arctic)

Promotion of Non-fired Brick (NFB) Production and Utilization

2019-GEF-PIR-PIMS4546-GEFID4801MTR%20report%20-%20finalPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Project Review SheetSTAP Review (PDF)
Reduce the annual growth rate of GHG emissions by displacing the use of fossil fuels and the usage of good quality soil for brick making through the increased production, sale and utilization of non-fired bricks (NFBs) in Viet Nam

A Global Initiative on Landscapes for People, Food and Nature

MSP Document - REV
Project Objective: to promote and support the broader adoption and more effective use of landscape-level sustainable land management (L-SLM; see Figure 1) as an integrated approach to managing agricultural landscapes that addresses the full set of needs from the rural land base—including sustainable, climate-resilient production of food and fiber (from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries), watershed management, biodiversity conservation, bio-energy, terrestrial climate mitigation, and rural livelihoods.