National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan

EA Document
To update the Brazilian National Biodiversity Strategy in a participatory manner by defining national goals, targets, and associated capacity-building and financing strategies taking into account contributions from Government and civil society assessments of the threats that currently cause loss of biodiversity in Brazil and incorporating the global guidelines of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020.

Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate-induced Disasters in the Dili to Ainaro Road Development Corridor, Timor Leste

5056 TECEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement (rev)Review Sheet (PDF)TE%20report%20DARDC_MS_ps
Critical economic infrastructure for sustained human development protected from climate induced natural hazards (flooding, landslides, wind damage) through better policies, strengthened local DRM institutions and investments in risk reduction measures within the Dili to Ainaro development corridor

Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

EA - Revised
The overall objective of the proposed Enabling Activities (EA) is to review and update the National Implementation Plan (NIP), and have it endorsed and submitted by the government to the Conference of Parties (COP) of the Stockholm Convention. Participating stakeholders will be able to manage the additional POPs with newly developed technical skills, expertise and awareness.