Global Energy Efficiency Facility (GE2F2) - Design of Strategies and Deployment Mechanisms

5833_2023_EBRD GEF PIR GE2F2 finalMSP Document (rev)MSP Document - revPIF Document for MSP approval -rev.Project Review SheetTracking tools
To develop and showcase energy efficiency financing strategies, internal structures and deployment mechanisms to scale up energy efficiency financing within the Global Energy Efficiency Financing Framework (GE2F2) partner banks in China, India and Brazil.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Program for San Jose

Request for CEO MSP approval
The general objective of the project is to support the development of activities that have a transformative impact in helping Costa Rica move towards a low-carbon development path, through a concerted effort to improve land use management, transport planning, and the implementation of an integrated public transport network in the San Jose Metropolitan area.

Low-carbon and Efficient National Freight Logistics Initiative

Request for CEO MSP approval
The objective of this operation is to reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from the freight transport sector. The operation will finance technical cooperation activities with the specific objectives of: (i) training truck drivers towards more efficient and cleaner driving practices; (ii) developing and implementing a pilot program for a freight broker service.