Support to Alignment of Samoa’s National Action Programme (NAP) to the UNCCD 10 Year Strategy and Preparation of the Reporting and Review process.

Revised EA Doc
The objective of the project is to build capacity of Samoa to review and align its NAP with the 10-year UNCCD Strategy based on the guidelines provided by the Convention Bodies and to prepare the national report on UNCCD implementation in the country using the recently revised reporting tools and PRAIS portal, including reporting on the impact indicators

Transboundary Cooperation for Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Conservation

PIF and PPG Document revisedProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)Project Review SheetRequest for CEO Approval (revised)Review Sheet (PDF)
To strengthen transboundary conservation of snow leopard ecosystems and landscapes to ensure stability of global snow leopard population by addressing drivers of existing and emerging threats with special focus in Central Asia.