Forest and Landscape Restoration supporting Landscape and Livelihoods Resilience in the Central African Republic (CAR)

05-21-18 Council LetterCEO Endorsment Request Document SNGEFID9514_2021PIR_FAO_CAR_RAFGEFID9514_2022PIR_FAO_CAR_RAFGEFID9514_2023PIR_FAO_Central African RepublicGEFID9514_MTR_FAO_CAR_FrenchGEFID_9514_MTR_Executive Summary_English_FAO_CARProject Document PADReview Sheet (PDF)
Contribute to the restoration and maintenance of critical landscapes to provide global environmental benefits and more resilient economic development and livelihoods, in support of the Bonn Challenge

a) Area (ha) of deforested and degraded landscapes in restoration transition, stratified by land management actors (communities, farmers, private enterprises, and others);
b) tCO2eq avoided emissions/increased removals in the CAR landscapes as a result of The Restoration Initiative (TRI) interventions.

The Restoration Initiative, DRC child project: Improved Management and Restoration of Agro-sylvo-pastoral Resources in the Pilot Province of South-Kivu

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Reforestation and sustainable management of natural resources by local communities using an FLR approach in South-Kivu province, DRC

Indicators: (i) Hectares of land restored or under improved management in the two selected chiefdoms;
(ii) tCO2eq emissions avoided/sequestered in targeted landscapes as a direct result of TRI child project interventions
Indicative targets: (i) At least 4,800 ha; (ii) At least 1,064,457 tCO2eq

Landscape Restoration for Ecosystem Functionality and Climate Change Mitigation in the Republic of Sao Tome e Principe

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Promote the restoration and sustainable management of the forest ecosystems of São Tomé and Príncipe in order to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation, and stop and reverse forest and soil degradation.
Indicators: (i) # of ha of forest landscapes under restoration and sustainable management; (ii) # of members of rural communities directly benefitting from FLR interventions; (iii) # of tCO2eq sequestered due to direct project interventions; (iv) # of new bankable projects designed and/or implemented as private/public partnerships.