Enhancing Biodiversity, Maintaining Ecosystem Flows, Enhancing Carbon Stocks through Sustainable Land Management and the Restoration of Degraded Forestlands

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFAO_GEF_prodoc_philippines Resub March 2020FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFID9554_2023PIR_FAO_PhilippinesPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Review SheetSTAP Review (PDF)
To deliver multiple and integrated environmental, livelihood and development benefits through the promotion of the cost effective and sustainable restoration of the biological and productive capacities of degraded forest land ecosystems

1. Total project areas (PCWFR 84,500 ha + Simulao sub-watershed 43,351 ha) under long term restoration plans delivering multiple global environmental benefits
2. 2,821 ha restored delivering multiple environmental, social and economic benefits

Restoration of Arid and Semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through Bio-enterprise Development and other Incentives under The Restoration Initiative

GEFID9556_2021PIRs_FAO_Kenya_RAFGEFID9556_2022PIR_FAO_Kenya_RAFGEFID9556_MTR_FAO_KenyaProject Document PAD 1Request for CEO EndorsementReview Sheet (PDF)
To restore deforested and degraded lands through the FLR approach and enhance the socioeconomic development of local communities through the development of bio-enterprises of NTFPS in arid and semi-arid lands.

Indicators: (i) % of land that is degraded over total land area in targeted landscapes; (ii) # of people benefiting from FLR interventions; (iii) # of tons of CO2e directly mitigated through project activities over a 20-year period.

Sixth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Thailand

CEO endorsement request pdfMTR (GEF 9558 / UNDP 5530)PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Review SheetRevised project document
To enable community organizations in four diverse regions of Thailand to take collective action for adaptive landscape and seascape management for socio-ecological resilience - through design, implementation and evaluation of grant projects for global environmental benefits and sustainable development

Eliminating POPs through Sound Management of Chemicals

GEFSEC ReviewID9562 CEO End LtrPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)
To reduce the risks of POPs on human health and the environment through strengthening institutional capacity and the policy and regulatory framework for the sound management and disposal of chemicals, POPs and wastes, and developing sustainable systems for the sound collection, labelling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals and waste