Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management in ASEAN Countries

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentFinal PIF DocPIMS 5365 UNDP Response Matrix ASEAN IRBM_8May19PIMS 5635 ASEAN IRBM CEO Request_9May19-1PIMS 5635 ASEAN IRBM Project Document 8May2019Project Review SheetSTAP Review (PDF)
To improve governance and management responsiveness and capacities in integrated water resources management, pollution load reduction from nutrients and other land-based activities, protection and conservation of freshwater environmental flows, and alleviation of climate vulnerability through demonstrations, planning, and strengthening of integrated river basin management in selected countries in the East Asian Seas.

Development of Georgia’s Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC

EA Request Document
Project Objective is to assist Georgia in the preparation of its Fourth National Communication (FNC) and Second Biennial Update Report (SBUR) for the fullfilment of the obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Colombia: Connectivity and Biodiversity Conservation in the Colombian Amazon

08-25-17 Project Document PAD REVISED9663-10300-P158003-P171227-P144271-2024-PIR-WB-Colombia (1)9663-P158003-P144271-P171227-2021-PIR-WB-ColombiaData Sheet RevisedReview Sheet (PDF)
WB Part 1: Improve governance and promote sustainable land-use activities in order to reduce deforestation and conserve biodiversity in the Project area
UNDP Part 2: Improve connectivity and conserve biodiversity through the strengthening of institutions and local organizations to ensure integral low-carbon-emission management and peace building