Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security

MedPartnership TE ReportPFD Document for WPI (Revised)Project Review SheetSTAP Review (PDF)
To accelerate the implementation of agreed upon priority actions to reduce the major transboundary environmental stresses affecting the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas while strengthening climate resilience and water security, and improving the health and livelihoods of coastal populations.

Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

EA request document (signed)
To review and update the National Implementation Plan (NIP), which will be submitted to the government for approval and eventual transmission by the government to the Conference of Parties (COP) of the Stockholm Convention. Participating stakeholders will be able to manage the additional POPs with newly developed technical skills, expertise and awareness.

Taking Deforestation Out of the Soy Supply Chain

CEO Letter to CouncilMTR (GEF 9617 / UNDP 5896)Review Sheet (PDF)Revised CEO Endorsement DocRevised CEO Endorsement RequestRevised ProDocRevised Project DocumentTE (GEF 9617 / UNDP 5896)
To reduce the threat to biodiversity that the advancing agricultural frontier is posing in the Matopiba region, through a supply chain approach that solves the underlying root causes of deforestation from soy.

Development of Minamata Initial Assessment and Updating of National Action Plan for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining

9622 - MIANAP Lao PDR - Terminal ReviewEA Request Document
Ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention contributes to the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by unintentional and intentional emissions and releases, unsound use and management of mercury in Lao PDR.