Global Capacity-building Towards Enhanced Transparency in the AFOLU Sector (CBIT-AFOLU)

CBIT CLUSTER EvaluationGEFID9864_2021PIR_FAO_GlobalGEFID9864_2022PIR_FAO_GlobalGEFID9864_Core Indicators_TER_FAO_GlobalPIF Request Document revised SNProject Review Sheet
The project’s objective is to strengthen developing countries’ technical and institutional capacity, through coordinated dissemination of knowledge, to meet enhanced transparency framework (ETF) requirements when implementing priority actions for achieving their respective nationally determined contributions (NDC) in the agriculture, forestry and other-land use (AFOLU) sectors.

Development of Minamata Initial Assessments (MIA) in the Caribbean (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines)

9865 - MIA Caribbean II - Terminal ReviewEA Request Document
Ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention contributes to the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by unintentional and intentional emissions and releases as well as unsound use and management of mercury

Support to Preparation of the Interim National Report on the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

08-14-17 Request for CEO Approval revised
To Assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing to prepare and make timely submission of their Interim National Reports on measures that each party has taken to implement the Protocol in line with Article 29

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Agricultural Genetic Diversity in Hubei

Annex A_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Multi Year Work Plan_28Feb2019Annex B_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Technical Consultancies Subcontracts_28Feb2019Annex B_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Technical Consultancies Subcontracts_GEF comments addressed 25 Aug2019_2nd Re-submissionAnnex C_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Terms of Reference_31Dec2018Annex C_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Terms of Reference_GEF comments addressed 3 Sept2019_2nd Re-submissionAnnex D_5822_CSAP_Hubei_SESP_12Feb2019Annex E_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Stakeholder Engagement Plan_28Feb2019Annex F_5822_CSAP_Hubei_List of People Consulted_31Dec2018Annex G_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Gender Analysis and Action Plan_28Feb2019Annex H_5822_CSAP_Hubei_UNDP Risk Log_12Mar2019Annex I_Micro Assessment report - Agriculture Department of Hubei Province_30Jun2018Annex J_5822_CSAP_Hubei-Design _ Appraisal Stage Quality Assurance ReportAnnex K_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Policy Baseline Report_12Feb2019Annex L_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Demonstration Landscapes Baseline_12Feb2019Annex M_5822_CSAP_Hubei_Capacity Development_Scorecard_31Dec2018Annex N_5822_CSAP_Hubei_KAP survey framework_12Feb2019Annex O _II__5822_CSAP_LOA on DPC-Hubei DARAAnnex O _I__5822_CSAP_Co-financing letters_6Mar2019CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIMS 5822 9873 Annex K_Hubei_Policy Baseline Report_9Mar2020PIMS 5822 9873 Annex L_Hubei_Demonstration Landscapes Baseline_9Mar2020PIMS 5822 9873 GEFSEC Review 24 Sept 2019_14OCT2019_4th re-submissionPIMS 5822 9873 GEFSEC Review 28Oct2019 UNDP Response matrix 13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5822 9873 GEFSEC Review 2Dec2019 Re-submission 5Dec2019PIMS 5822 9873 Response 11 March 2020PIMS 5822 Annex C CSAP_Hubei_Terms of Reference 13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5822 GEFSEC Review 14 August 2019_GEF comments addressed 25 Aug2019_2nd_Re-submissionPIMS 5822 GEFSEC Review Sheet 3July2019 Responses for PTA clearance 1st ResubmissionPIMS 5822 GEFSEC Review Sheet 4 April 2019PIMS 5822_9873 CSAP4_Hubei PRODOC 2020 template_15PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_13Nov2019 Re-sumissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_28Mar2019-2PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_4th Resubmission_14OCT2019_3rd Re-SubmissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_AnnexE_GEF7_core_28Mar2019PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_AnnexF_taxonomy_29Mar2019-1PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_GEF 10 Jan 2020 (1)PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_GEF SEC comments addressed for PTA clearance 1st ResubmissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_CEO ER_GEF comments addressed 25AUg2019 clean_2nd-Re-submissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc Re-submission 5Dec2019PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_ 13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_28Mar2019-1PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_4thrd Resubmission_14OCT2019_3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_Final_8Jan2020PIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_GEF SEC comments addressed 25 Aug2019 clean_2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5822_CSAP4_Hubei_Prodoc_GEF SEC comments addressed for PTA clearance 1st Resubmission
Strengthen long-term conservation of Hubei’s globally significant agrobiodiversity, through enhanced provincial policy framework and institutional capacity, and the establishment of innovative incentive mechanisms and technical approaches to support in-situ conservation of indigenous agricultural varieties

Strengthening Coordinated Approaches to Reduce Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Threats to Globally Significant Agrobiodiversity and Agroecosystems in China

Annex A C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Workplan 0318 2019 Ver 2Annex B C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Technical Consultances and subcontracts 0318 2019 Ver 2Annex C C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 TOR for key management positions 0318 2019 Ver 2Annex D C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Social Environmental Screening 5 April 2019 ver 4 clearedAnnex E C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Stakeholder engagemen plan 0318 2019 ver 2Annex F C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Gender analysis and Action Plan 0318 2019 ver 2Annex G C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Risk LogAnnex H C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 MICRO ASSESSMENT REPORT-FECOAnnex H C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 MICRO ASSESSMENT REPORT-FECO-1Annex I _a_ C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Additional agreement_Co-financing lettersAnnex I _b_ C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Additional agreement LOA on DPC-MARA-PIMS 5821Annex J C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 IAS-Design _ Appraisal Stage Quality Assurance ReportAnnex K C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Socio economic profile of demo villages 0104 2019 Ver 1Annex L C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Project Situation Analysis 0104 2019 Ver 1Annex M C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 KAP Survey methodology 1220 2018 ver 1Annex N C SAP 2 PIMS5821 Capacity Development Scorecards 0318 2019 ver 1Annex O C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Yangpu port scoreceard 0104 2019 ver 1Annex P C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Yangpu port description 1215 2018 Ver 1Annex Q C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Landscape profiles 0325 2019 ver 2Annex R C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Program Organizational Chart 1030 2018 Ver 1Annex S C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Program Results FrameworkAnnex T C-SAP PIMS5821 IAS GEF Core indicators 0318 2019 Ver 1Annex U C SAP 2 PIMS5821 Roles of IP and CIP in activity implementation 0318 2019 Ver1Annex V C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 Stakeholder involvement in project activities 0318 2019 ver 1C-SAP 2 PIMS5821 IAS UNDP GEF Project Document_Technically cleared_2Apr2019C-SAP PIMS 5821 GEF6 CEO Endorsement9 9 April 2019FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIMS 5821 9874 Annex B C-SAP 2 13Nov2019PIMS 5821 9874 Annex C C-SAP 2 13Nov2019PIMS 5821 9874 C-SAP GEF6 CEO ER 10Jan2020PIMS 5821 9874 C-SAP GEF6 CEO ER 13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5821 9874 GEFSEC Review 28Oct2019_UNDP Response Matrix 13Nov2019PIMS 5821 9874 GEFSEC Review 2Dec2019 Response 5Dec2019PIMS 5821 9874 IAS UNDP Prodoc 13Nov2019PIMS 5821 9874 IAS UNDP Prodoc Mar2020 template_18Mar20-1PIMS 5821 9874 Response 11 March 2020PIMS 5821 Annex B Technical Consultances and subcontracts 27Aug2019_3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5821 Annex C TOR for key managnt position 3 Sep2019 3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5821 Annex I C-SAP 2 Co-financing letters and other agreements resub 5Dec2019PIMS 5821 C-SAP GEF6 CEO Endorse_GEFSec comments addressed 10Oct2019PIMS 5821 GEF6 CEO ER 27Aug2019 3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5821 GEF6 CEO Endorsement C-SAP 13May2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5821 GEF6 CEO Endorsement_GEF Sec comments addressed 2nd Resubmission 22Jul2019PIMS 5821 GEFSEC Review 24Sept2019 GEF Comments addressed 11OCT2019PIMS 5821 GEFSEC Review 29April2019 - UNDP response_10May2019_1st Re-submissionPIMS 5821 GEFSEC Review Sheet June 2019 Responses 2nd Resubmission 22Jul2019PIMS 5821 IAS UNDP GEF Project Document_10May2019_1st Re-submissionPIMS 5821 IAS UNDP Prodoc sub 5Dec2019PIMS 5821 Response to GEFSEC Review 27Aug2019_3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5821 UNDP GEF Project Document 27Aug2019 3rd Re-submssionPIMS 5821_CSAP_IAS_CEO ER_AnnexF_taxonomy_29Mar2019PIMS 5821_IAS_Prodoc_Final_8Jan2020PIMS5821 IAS UNDP GEF Project Document GEF Sec comments addressed 2nd Resubmissionpims 5821 Annex D C-SAP 2 SESP 13May2019_1st Re-submission
Strengthen intersectoral coordination mechanisms, approaches and technical capacity for more effective prevention, control and management of IAS threats to agrobiodiversity in China.

Participatory in situ Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity in Hainan

Annex A_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Multi Year Work Plan_28Feb2019Annex B Overview of Technical Consultancies subcontracts_GEF comments addressed 25 Aug2019_3rd Re-submissionAnnex B_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Technical Consultancies Subcontracts_28Feb2019Annex C_5823_CSAP_Hainan_TOR_GEF comments addressed 3 Sept 2019_3rd Re-submissionAnnex C_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Terms of Reference_31Dec2018Annex D_5823_CSAP_Hainan_SESP_12Feb2019Annex E_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Stakeholder Engagement Plan_12Feb2019Annex F_5823_CSAP_Hainan_List of People Consulted_31Jan2019Annex G_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Gender Analysis_Action Plan_28Feb2019Annex H_UNDP Risk LogAnnex I_5823_CSAP_Micro Assessment report - Hainan Agriculture Department _30Jun2018Annex J_5823_CSAP_Hainan-Design _ Appraisal Stage Quality Assurance ReportAnnex K_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Policy Baseline_31Jan2019Annex L_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Demonstration Landscapes Baseline_31Jan2019Annex M_5823_CSAP_Hainan_Capacity Development_Scorecard_31Jan2019Annex N_5823_CSAP_Hainan_KAP survey framework_31Jan2019Annex O _II__5823_CSAP_LOA on DPC-Hainan DARA-PIMS 5823Annex O _I__5823_CSAP_Hainan_Co-financing LettersCEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIMS 5823 9875 Annex K CSAP_Hainan_Policy Baseline_9Mar2020PIMS 5823 9875 Annex L CSAP_Hainan_Demonstration Landscapes Baseline_9Mar2020PIMS 5823 9875 CSAP3_Hainan_Prodoc Mar2020 template_15PIMS 5823 9875 China MSP GEFSEC Review Sheet 24Sept2019_12OCT2019_4th Re-submissionPIMS 5823 9875 China MSP UNDP responses 2 May 2019 1st Re-submissionPIMS 5823 9875 GEFSEC Review 28Oct2019 Response Matrix 13 Nov 2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5823 9875 GEFSEC Review 2Dec2019 Responses submission 5Dec2019PIMS 5823 9875 GEFSEC Review_UNDP responses for PTA clearance 2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5823 9875 Response 11 March 2019PIMS 5823 Annex D_CSAP_Hainan_SESP_5April2019 final_1st Re-submissionPIMS 5823 Annex L CSAP_29Apr2019_1st Re-submissionPIMS 5823 GEFSEC Review 15 August 2019_comments addressed for PTA clearance 25Aug_3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_CEO ER_13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_CEO ER_GEF SEC 10Jan2020PIMS 5823_CSAP3_CEO ER_GEF SEC comments addressed for PTA clearance_25Aug_clean_3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_CEO ER_GEF SEC comments addressed for PTA clearance_2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_CEO ER_GEF SEC_16OCT2019_4th Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_CEO ER_2 May 2019PIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_CEO ER_29March2019PIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_CEO ER_AnnexE_GEF7_core_29March2019PIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_CEO ER_AnnexF_taxonomy_29Mar2019_APIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_Prodoc_01Apr2019PIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_Prodoc_29Apr2019_1st Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_Hainan_Prodoc_Final_8Jan2020PIMS 5823_CSAP3_Prodoc_13Nov2019 Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_Prodoc_GEF SEC comments adressed for PTA clearance_20Jul2019_2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_Prodoc_GEF SEC comments adressed for PTA clearance_25Aug clean_3rd Re-SubmissionPIMS 5823_CSAP3_Prodoc_Re-submission 5Dec2019PIMS 5823_CSAP_Hainan_TOR_13Nov2019 Re-Submission
Strengthen the in-situ conservation and sustainable use of globally significant agrobiodiversity in Hainan through the development of incentive mechanisms for farmers to sustain populations of endemic crops and livestock, the establishment of a supportive enabling environment and strengthened institutional capacity.