Building Resilience of Cambodian Communities Using Natural Infrastructure and Promoting Diversified Livelihood

CEO MSP Approval Ltr
Addressing the challenges of water resources management as a contribution to the water, food, energy, ecosystem security nexus by restoring and protecting mangroves, making the business case for natural infrastructure in order to build resilience and improve livelihoods in the Prey Nob region (Cambodia).

Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the Egyptian Western Desert

FAO Project DocumentGEFID9928_2022PIR_FAO_Egypt_RNEGEFID9928_2023PIR_FAO_EgyptPIF Document for WPI (Revised) - signature pageReview Sheet (PDF)
Ensure sustainable food production systems that help maintain and progressively improve soil quality and agro-biodiversity status in oasis agro-ecosystems of the Egyptian Western Desert
Indicators: Area of landscapes under sustainable land management in production systems (core sub-indicator 4.3) - 3,520ha
Area of landscapes under improved practices to benefit biodiversity (core sub-indicator 4.1) - Globally significant landraces/CWR maintained on 700ha
Number of direct beneficiaries disaggregated by gender (core indicator 11) - 2,250 (45% women)

Structuring and Launching CRAFT: the First Private Sector Climate Resilience & Adaptation Fund for Developing Countries

PIF Document (Revised)Request for CEO Approval - MSP DocumentReview Sheet (PDF)
To establish and mobilize resources for the Climate Resilience and Adaptation Finance & Technology Transfer Facility (CRAFT), the first private sector climate resilience and adaptation investment fund and technical assistance facility for developing countries, consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.