Enhancing and Bridging Knowledge Gaps in Sri Lanka's NDC Implementation of AFOLU Sector for Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO ApprovalCo-financing Ministry of EnvironmentCo-financing letterGEFID10040_2023PIR_FAO_Sri LankaMap of Sri LankaPIF Document (Revised)ProdocReview Sheet (PDF)Tracking Tools - August 2019 version
By 2022, Sri Lanka is preparing reports to the UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) covering all components identified in Sri Lanka’s Nationally-Determine-d Contribution (NDC), including strengthened agriculture and land use sector components, inventories of emissions sources and sinks and information necessary to track progress against priority actions in the NDC.

Water Funds A Conservation Climate Resilient Model for Stressed Watersheds in Latin America and the Caribbean

10048_2020_PIR_IDB_Regional10048_2021_PIR_IDB_Regional10048_2022_PIR_IDB_RegionalMSP Request Document SNReview Sheet (PDF)
Develop 5 Water Fund mechanisms that protect upper watershed biodiversity and improve the water security of 14 million people in 5 major Latin American cities by connecting water users in urban areas with upper watershed land stewards that produce important hydrologic benefits through healthy watersheds.

Upscaling of Global Forest Watch in Caucasus Region

10050 GFW Caucasus_CEO End w Annexes 20180816CEO Endorsement RequestGEF-BD-10050-GFW Caucasus-PIR 2023 (1)GEF-BD-10050-Upscaling Global Forest Watch-PIR 2022PIF and PPG approval request - revisedProject Document with AnnexesReview Sheet (PDF)
Empower decision-makers in government and civil society with technology and information to help reduce deforestation, facilitate commitments to restoration and conserve forest biodiversity by developing innovative user-friendly tools that easily share information, provide on-the-fly analyses.