Consolidating biodiversity and land conservation policies and actions as pillars of sustainable development

FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC Review
To strengthen the systemic, financial and institutional capacity for biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management, enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of protected area management, stewardship of private lands and human well-being

Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project -AF

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Project Objective (PDO): To increase the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices in targeted landscapes.

Overarching goal: Reduce environmental degradation and vulnerability of rural poor and marginalized people to climatic impacts in Gedarif and Khartoum. The project will examine policy response measures to address malaria.

Global Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Platform Phase II B: Unified Support Platform and Program for Article 13 of the Paris Agreement

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10088_PIR_UNEP_2024_Global CBIT IIBFSP CEO endorsement documentGEF-CCM-10088-CBIT GCP IIB_PIR 2023GEFSEC ReviewPIF
To provide streamlined support and capacity building at the country, regional, and global level to enable Non Annex I countries under the UNFCCC and developing countries under the Paris Agreement to better respond to reporting requirements and to catalyze increased ambition within country NDCs to contribute to the stated temperature goal of well below 2 degrees and if possible 1.5 degrees.