Rehabilitating and conserving the mountain landscapes in Khangai region of Mongolia for improved ecosystem services and community livelihoods

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To rehabilitate degraded lands and promote community-based natural resource management in the Khangai mountain landscapes of Mongolia to reduce land degradation and biodiversity loss, improve ecosystem services, and support sustainable community livelihoods.

Strengthening management to combat threats from Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in Venezuela

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP screening PIF# 11115-Final
Reduce the loss of biodiversity and the impact of ecosystem services of global importance, strengthening institutional and community capacities in the prevention, early detection, control and eradication of exotic aquatic invasive species in Venezuela

Promoting sustainable economic benefits through the conservation of critical biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Eastern Coastal Region of Sri Lanka

GEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP screening 11116 -Final
To conserve biodiversity and critical ecosystem services through an integrated and inclusive climate-resilient terrestrial, coastal and marine resource management approach that generates commensurate benefits to the local economy and communities in Sri Lanka

Ecosystem Restoration

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To generate multiple durable global environmental and socioeconomic benefits by applying integrated and innovative approaches to restore degraded ecosystems.

· 2,228,334 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
· 10,606,230 ha. of landscapes under improved practices
· 133,008,470 metric tons of GHG emissions mitigated carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2 e)
· One shared water freshwater ecosystems under new/ improved cooperative management
· 1,824,397.00 people benefitting from GEF finance investments enefitted (896,788 women and 927,609 men).

Ecosystem restoration for enhanced biodiversity, productive landscapes and sustainable livelihoods in Sao Tome e Principe

To strengthen national efforts towards poverty reduction and climate-resilient livelihoods through a shift towards zero-deforestation, environmentally-sound, socially equitable and economically beneficial NTFP/wood production system and value chains

ORIGEN: Restoring Watersheds for Ecosystems and Communities

Generate multiple environmental and socio-economic benefits by restoring degraded landscapes with an integrated watershed approach, strengthening planning, promoting local restoration actions and mobilizing funding in Chiapas, Jalisco, and Veracruz and pilot regions.

Objective Indicators (Targets):
a. Area of land and ecosystems under restoration (Target: 330,000 ha)
b. Area of landscapes under improved practices (Target: 1,400,000 ha)
c. Greenhouse gas emissions mitigated (Target: 1.4 million tons CO2e)