Enhancing Sustainable Land Management and biodiversity conservation through innovative financing for an integrated Climate resilience in Koinadugu District

FSP CEO endorsement document
Land degradation (LD) has been recognized as a serious and persistent problem in Sierra Leone, affecting agricultural productivity, livelihoods, and biodiversity. Despite a comprehensive legal frameworks and international commitments, degradation trends can still be observed and are accelerating in some areas, and Koinadugu and Falaba districts in particular have been identified as hotspots of land degradation in the government’s 2018 Land Degradation Neutrality report.

Integrated Conservation Management and Restoration of High-Value Landscapes in Uzbekistan

The objective of the project is to scale innovative integrated approaches to ecosystem restoration and conservation to catalyze transformational shifts in three high value landscapes in Uzbekistan. The project is part of the GEF8 global Ecosystem Restoration Integrated Program. The four components proposed by this project have been designed within available GEF and co-financing framework to address the corresponding drivers of ecosystem degradation and biodiversity decline, which are driven by multiple drivers of unsustainable land use practices.

Strengthening Ecosystem Restoration Investments in Madagascar

The coordinated and adequately funded implementation of cost-effective approaches to landscape-scale ecosystem restoration in Madagascar leads to an improvement in ecosystem health, the delivery of environmental benefits, and the enhancement of rural livelihoods.
Indicated by:
Area of land and ecosystems under restoration (ha) (GEB Core Indicator 3)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigated (CO2e) (GEB Core Indicator 6)
People benefiting from GEF-financed investments, disaggregated by sex (count) (GEB Core Indicator 11)

Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia

CEO ApprovalCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
To contribute to landscape restoration by harnessing indigenous fruit and nut tree biodiversity to improve environment and ecosystem services, support food security and safety, and enhance livelihoods in Armenia

Transforming Policy and Investment through Improving Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Degraded Drylands of Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve in Georgia to Generate Multiple Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits

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The project aims to improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of ecosystems and restoration of degraded drylands in Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve (BR), located in the south-eastern part of Georgia, in Kakheti Region. The project area is part of the Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspot and harbours many endemic, rare and threatened species of flora and fauna.