DateMarch 20-24, 2023
Maputo, Mozambique
Group photo for Expanded Consitutency Workshop 2023 in Mozambique

The GEF Secretariat resumed Expanded Constituency Workshops in 2023 with the first meeting in Maputo, Mozambique from March 20-24, 2023 for the Southern Africa constituency: Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The ECW was followed by a Sub-regional Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation that focused on the adaptation strategy.

The objective of the Expanded Constituency Workshop is to bring together GEF focal points, convention focal points, CSOs, GEF agencies, and other key stakeholders to meet with their counterparts from other countries in the region to discuss and review policies and procedures, and to share lessons and experiences from the development and implementation of GEF projects, and their integration within national policy frameworks.

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