Elaboration of a National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

First National Communication for UNFCCCProject Document for WP
The immediate objective of the project is to contribute to the preparation of the first national communication of Morocco to the Conference of the Parties (COP). In addition to meeting the communication obligations, the project can be seen as an essential exercise to enhance general awareness and knowledge of climate change related issues in Morocco.

Building Capacity for Conducting Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments in the Caribbean Region

This training would be implemented in three phases. In Phase 1, countries would complete a comprehensive assessment of national data and expertise and prepare a detailed draft V&A work plan. In Phase 2, a two-week workshop will be held in the region. In Phase 3, a three-day workshop will be held so that countries may share experiences and resolve problems encountered during the early stages of V&A assessment.

Clearing House Mechanism Enabling Activity

Budget proposal
The main object of this proposal is the formulation of a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan through a fully participatory process that will include line ministries, the private sector and NGOs. The first step will be to undertake an awareness-building programme, aimed at key target groups including the tourism, agriculture and construction sectors, in order to inform on the CBD and on the process of elaborating a national BSAP.

Clearing House Mechanism Enabling Activity

Scanned Letter (CEO Approval)Scanned Letter (CHM Proposal)
The project will support the participatory development of a BSAP by the MET in association with relevant government ministries, local communities and NGOs. The project will build on the existing knowledge base in the country and strengthen local and institutional capacities to elaborate the BSAP through a process of participatory planning and stakeholder consultation during national and regional workshops. The BSAP will identify the current status of, pressures on, options for, and actions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the CAR.

Wildlands Protection and Management

DocumentProject Document - March 1993
Development and implementation of management programs for five tropical forest ecosystems in the Congo, representative of the country's great ecological diversity and wealth. To achieve this objective, the project funds biodiversity inventories, the preparation of natural resource management plans for each site, training of supervisory staff and guards, and studies of the impact of the indigenous people on the environment and of how negative impacts can be mitigated.