Coastal Wetlands Management

Project Document
Design and implementation of a Coastal Zone Management Plan to protect five environmentally-sensitive and threatened coastal Ramsar sites of global importance for migratory birds. The project includes: (a) monitoring of ecological conditions at the sites; (b) preparation and implementation of site management programs and the training of site managers and wardens; and (c) relocation of a sewage plant outlet that would have discharged into Sakumo Lagoon.

Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation

Project Document
Lake Malawi, Africa's third largest lake, is a unique freshwater ecosystem, home to over 500 endemic species of fish. The project will conduct faunal surveys, identify biodiversity hotspots, prepare a conservation and management plan for the lake, recommend revisions to national environmental legislation, and fund environmental training and education activities. Parallel Canadian project (C$4.2m) will finance capacity-building for research through twinning with a Canadian institution, limnology and water quality monitoring, laboratory equipment and public education.

Household Energy

Letter of SupportPDF-B DocumentProject Document (for CEO Endorsement)
The project addresses both the demand for and supply of household energy in a country where people depend heavily on environmentally-damaging woodfuels. Consumption of these fuels will be reduced by promoting the use of more efficient stoves and through substituting woodfuels with kerosene and bottled gas through technical assistance and credit to manufacturers and marketers. In parallel, forest planning and management will be strengthened through training and technical assistance.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Conservation

Final Exec Proj SummaryProject Document for WP
The project has established a trust fund, the income from which will provide a sustainable source of funds for the management of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks and the conservation of their biodiversity. A Trust Management Board, representative of local communities, NGOs and the government will allocate the fund's net income to selected park management, research and community ecodevelopment projects.

West Africa Pilot Community-Based Natural Resource and Wildlife Management

Project document
The project will design and implement community-based wildlands and wildlife rehabilitation, utilization and conservation programs based on the "gestion de terroirs" approach at three sites totalling 4,800 square kms in the Comoe ecosystem in southwestern Burkina Faso and northern Cote d'Ivoire, an area recognized as one of the most important remaining natural savannah ecosystems in the region.

Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Zimbabwe

With the involvement of local communities, the project will design and implement a natural resource management program for Gonarhezou National Park on the Mozambique and South Africa border, complementing the Mozambique Transfrontier Conservation Areas project. It will rehabilitate the infrastructure of Gonarezhou to stimulate eco-tourism, develop community wildlife management and sustainable use programs and strengthen park management capacity.

Biodiversity Conservation

This project will protect representative samples of diverse and threatened ecosystems, and strengthen the government's institutional capacity to protect Bolivian biodiversity. Specific components of the project include support for the organization, implementation and follow-up of a National System of Protected Areas (SNAP) and the establishment of new priority protected areas.

National Biodiversity Project (PROBIO)

Project document
The project (PROBIO), to be managed by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), will consist of (1) a series of workshops to set biome-level priorities for biodiversity conservation and development of a national biodiversity strategy, (2) establishment of a national biodiversity information network, and (3) funding of model biodiversity projects involving various combinations of public and private sector organizations.