Belarus: Updating National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in line with CBD COP-10 Strategic Plan, Preparing 5th National Report and Reenforcing Clearing House Mechanism

The CBD Strategic Plan, adopted at CBD CoP-10 in 2010 in Nagoya (Japan) envisages that each country should develop, by 2012, national biodiversity targets and indicators for 2020, and update its NBSAP by 2014 in line with the Aichi targets. The most recent NBSAP was adopted by Government of Belarus in November 2010. This is a brief document which sets the overall framework for our country to preserve its biodiversity. Although this version of NBSAP refers to the outcomes of the COP-10, it was finalized almost exactly at the time of Nagoya COP.

Revision of the National BD Strategy and Action Plan indlucing the Fifth national Report to the Convention on BD

Enabling Activity Request
The project for the revision of the NBSAP and the Fifth National Report to CBD including the
Clearing House Mechanism will be coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and
Water Administration. For its implementation a small PIU unit will be set-up within the MoEFWA
consisting in one Project Coordinator and one Project Assistant.
A Project Board and a Steering Committee will be established to review the project
implementation. They will have regular sheduled meetings to assess project implementation.

Kenya NIP Update: Reviewing and Updating the National Implementation Plan under the Stockholm Convention

Kenya is a party to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) which it ratified in September 2004, and developed its National Implementation Plan(NIP). In view of the amendments to the convention, Kenya would like to review and update it in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the Convention. The updated NIP will provide a framework for Kenya to develop and implement, in a systematic and participatory way, priority policy and regulatory reforms, capacity building, and investment programs for the new POPs.

POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Release Reduction Project

2019-GEF-PIR-PIMS4833-GEFID4601Council NotificationPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)ProjeDocProject Review SheetRequest for CEO EndorsementSTAP Review (PDF)
Protection of health and environment through elimination of current POPs legacies, ensure longer term capacity to manage POPs into the future consistent with international practice and standards, and integrate POPs activities with national sound chemicals management initiatives