Support to Mongolia for the Revision of the NBSAPs and Development of Fifth National Report to the CBD

CEO EA Approval LetterEnabling Activity Request - revised
With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable Mongolia to revise its National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD

ARCTIC GEF-Russian Federation Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management in the Arctic under a Rapidly Changing Climate (Arctic Agenda 2020)

One-time-Cancellation letterPFD Document for WPI (Revised)Program Coordinating Budget (PCB)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
to adopt and implement governance reforms for sustainable development of the Arctic in the Russian Federation. The programme will take an approach to achieve multiple global environmental benefits through such reforms and a series of demonstration projects, such as addressing resource issues associated with transboundary large marine ecosystems, energy efficiency improvement and renewable energy development, protected areas and introduction of integrated river basin management for water management and biodiversity conservation.

ARCTIC: Conserving Biodiversity in the Changing Arctic

Enhance biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration under changing climate conditions and other environmental pressures across the Russian Arctic through sustainable wildlife resource management and mainstreaming biodiversity conservation priorities in decision making processes at federal, regional, local and indigenous communities levels, supported by increase of efficiency of protected areas system, a modern integrated knowledge-base and wildlife monitoring programme, and the implementation of National Species Conservation Strategies within and outside protected areas.

Support to Kyrgyzstan for the Revision of the NBSAPs and Development of Fifth National Report to the CBD

Enabling Activity Request - revised
With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable Kyrgyzstan to revise its National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD

National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Guinea

EA project document FINAL
To integrate Guinea’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process, in a manner that is in line with the global guidance contained in the CBD’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2020.