ASTUD: Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Corridor Project

GEFID4931_2018_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_DhakaGEFID4931_2018_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_Dhaka EMPGEFID4931_2018_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_Dhaka EMP2GEFID4931_2018_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_Dhaka SMRGEFID4931_2018_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_Dhaka SMR2GEFID4931_2021_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_DhakaGEFID4931_2022_PIR_ADB_Bangladesh_ASTUD_DhakaRequest for CEO Endorsement (rev)
Promote energy efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems in the Gazipur area of north Greater Dhaka, through the delivery of a 20 kilometer Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor and associated infrastructure, systems and capacity building.

The project is a “first of its kind” in Bangladesh with important demonstration effect and replication potential as no modern mass-transit system currently exists in Bangladesh. The GEF financing will be used to finance the incremental cost gap of leapfrogging to and demonstrating low carbon bus and street lighting technology.

Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (IWEco)

4932_2019_PIR_UNEP_IWECOCEO Endo DocCEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilGEF - IW - 4932 - IWECO - PIR 2022PIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG DocumentProject Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Review SheetRequest for CEO Endorsement - revReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
to contribute to the preservation of Caribbean ecosystems that are of global significance and the sustainability of livelihoods through the application of existing proven technologies and approaches that are appropriate for small island developing states through improved fresh and coastal water resources management, sustainable land management and sustainable forest management that also seek to enhance resilience of socio-ecological systems to the impacts of climate change.

Strengthening Law Enforcement Capabilities to Combat Wildlife Crime for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Species in South Africa (target: Rhinoceros)

12-5-13 CEO Endorsement Request FINAL4937-Terminal Evaluation report - South Africa -combatting_wildlife_crime_rhinoCouncil LetterLessons learnedPIF Document for WPI (Revised) FINALPPG Document (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
Improve the effectiveness of efforts to combat wildlife crime in South Africa’s Protected Area system, focused on rhinoceros through improved forensic technologies and capacity, strengthened data gathering, sharing and analysis systems at national level, and enhanced cooperation structures and mechanisms at international level to support law enforcement efforts along the whole trafficking chain