Kerinci Seblat Integrated Conservation and Development

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will secure the future of Kerinci-Seblat National Park (KSNP) by integrating park management and conservation with local and regional development. Park mgt./protection will be strengthened, based on collaborative linkages with buffer-zone communities, and local NGOs and govts. The project will stabilize land use outside KSNP by promoting activities consistent with park conservation objectives, and by improving local land use to relieve pressure on KSNP. Biodiversity assessments in forest concessions surrounding the park will assist better mgt.

Danube Delta Biodiversity

Project Document
This project aims to protect the Ukrainian Delta ecosystem and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the Delta. It will strengthen institutional capacity to manage protected areas effectively, working with local community groups to ensure sustainable resource use, and restoring some wetlands to their natural condition. The project complements the Romanian Danube Delta project.

Institutional Capacity Building for Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use (ICB-PAMSU)

PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endors - Rev) TOCProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)project proposal
Project will support mgt. and conservation of priority protected areas by strengthening the Uganda Wildlife Authority, making direct investments in rehabilitation of infrastructure and improving the mgt. of biologically critical protected areas, and building capacity for developing locally based tourism and other activities compatible with conservation that provide economic returns, such as sustainable collection of forest products in buffer zones. Project will emphasize planning, promotion and regulation of environmentally sustainable tourism by strengthening govt.

Ozone Depleting Substances Phaseout Project

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
This project will target priority ODS-consumption phaseout opportunities in 16 subprojects in the refrigeration, aerosol, foam and solvent sectors, phasing out annual consumption of approximately 2273 tons of ODS, equivalent to 69% of Ukraine's 1994 weighted annual consumption . It also will provide technical assistance in both government and enterprises to facilitate implementation of the ODS Country Program.

Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances

PDF CProject DocumentProject Document for WP
This project will phaseout direct annual consumption of at least 806 metric tons of weighted ozone-depleting substance potential, or about 77% of Belarus' 1994 weighted consumption, through phaseout of CFCs in three refrigeration manufacturing and servicing subprojects, and five subprojects in the solvent industry. In addition, it will support a small program in technology transfer and training for the fire protection sector, and a national ODS Phaseout unit.