Solar Home Systems (SHS)

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Completion ReportProject Document for WP
The project will catalyze market acceptance of Solar PV Home Systems within the framework of a least-cost rural electrification strategy, relying on private sector delivery/installation systems. The project will support the installation of about 200,000 such systems in up to 4 regional markets. The project will also develop a strategy and corresponding action plan to meet the modern energy needs of the rural population for whom solar PV systems represent the least-cost alternative.

Terra Capital Biodiversity Enterprise Fund for Latin America (IFC)

Project Document for WPProject document
The project will support the establishment of a Fund of $20-50 million being established by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to make equity and quasi-equity investments in Latin American companies that sustainably use or protect biodiversity. Investments may include sustainable agriculture, use of underutilized species, sustainable forest management, non-timber products from forests and wildlands, and ecotourism.

Honduras Biodiversity Project

PDF BProject Document - Part 1Project Document - Part 2Project Document for WP
This UNDP/World Bank project is the Honduran link in the Meso-American Biological Corridor (MBC). The project will strengthen the protection and mgt. of 5 biologically rich protected areas in the MBC, representing a range of ecosystem types, as well as support ecologically compatible development demonstration projects in the surrounding buffer zones. Special attention will be given to indigenous peoples' development and gender issues.

Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and National Report

EA ProposalNational BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 1National BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 2National BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 3Project proposal (final) 1-28-97
Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and sustainable use of the Croatia biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, the Croatia Republic's first national report will be prepared.

Solid Waste Management and Landfill Gas Recovery

Project Document for WP
To harness methane for electricity production that otherwise would have been emitted to the atmosphere, as well as to assist the management of solid waste around Riga, the project will remediate the existing Getlini landfill in Riga, install an advanced energy-cell technology for enhanced degradation of biodegradable waste, and collect landfill gas and use it for power generation. In addition, the project will establish a sorting line for separation of recyclable materials, and provide technical assistance for the overall system.

Renewable Energy in Rural Markets Project

PDF BProject DocumentProject Document for WP
As part of a strategic rural electrification program, the project would substitute PV, wind power and mini-hydro schemes for diesel generators where diesel would normally be the least cost alternative. The project would supply power to over 130,000 rural households and about 4,400 public services like schools, medical centers or civil service centers. It would operate to supply the dispersed rural market at the provincial level by inviting bids from private companies for concessions.

Environment Program Support Project

Project Document for WP
Project will fund: 1- mgt. plan for forests outside the protected area (PA) system, planning and zoning of new PAs, and community-based sustainable forestry mgt. and development of sustainable harvesting regimes for non-timber forest products; 2- mgt. plan development, mgt. assistance and operational expenses in priority PAs of high biological value but low near-term economic value, as well as analytical work to reform PA fee-taxation policies; 3- rapid field inventory of Malagasi coral reef ecosystems and recommendations for marine parks; 4- technical support for regional envt.

Brazilian Biodiversity Fund

BR Bio Fund project documentProject document 12-04-95
The project will help establish the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO), to be managed by the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a private non-profit organization. An independent Board, composed of representatives from the private sector, the conservation community, academia and government, has been appointed and will be responsible for FUNBIO operational and investment policy. FUNBIO is a sinking fund with a minimum contribution target of $25 million, to be provided by GEF, the private sector, NGOs, the public sector and research institutions.

Kyjov Waste Heat Utilization

ICRProject DocumentProject Document for WP
The project will demonstrate a gas-fired, combined cycle cogeneration system at Vetropak Moravian Glass, a bottle manufacturing factory. It replaces a system producing significant waste heat with one where part of the waste heat will be recycled to produce electricity for the factory and the rest will be provided to the local district heating system, reducing coal burned for electricity generation and district heating.

Energy Efficiency Project

Project Review Sheet
The integrated IBRD and GEF project will support supply-side loss-reduction investments; promote integrated supply- and demand-side management pilot projects; create mechanisms to finance investments in energy efficiency by utilities, consumers and ESCOs (including improved institutional and policy frameworks); and provide capacity building and TA to support electric energy efficiency and conservation programs, financial mechanisms, policies, regulations and standards.