Central Asia Transboundary Biodiversity Project

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Preparation of management plans and investment programs for the project 4 protected areas; a social assessment to identify the impacts of PAs on local inhabitants and vice versa, and options for aligning conservation and economic activities, design of a public awareness component; institutional and legal assessments; assessment of training needs; detailed project costing.

Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative (IFC)

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PVMTI is a strategic intervention to accelerate the sustainable commercialization and financial viability of PV technology in the developing world, especially for rural electrification. PVMTI will make selected investments in private sector PV market development projects received in response to a competitive solicitation, providing them with appropriately structured concessional financing in the range of $0.5-5 million.

Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (second tranche)

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
The second of three groups of sub-projects in the GEF-supported Russian ODS Phaseout Program, this project will eliminate annual consumption of approximately 11,438 metric tons of weighted, ozone-depleting substance potential, or about 24% of Russia's 1992 weighted consumption, through (a) replacing CFC aerosol propellant with hydrocarbon aerosol propellant in six aerosol-products enterprises, and (b) replacing CFC with acceptable alternatives in three refrigeration enterprises.

Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances

Project Document for WP
This project will phaseout direct annual consumption of at least 1054 metric tons of weighted ozone-depleting substance potential, or about 55% of Poland's 1994 weighted consumption, through phaseout of CFCs in three refrigeration subprojects, two subprojects in other industries requiring foam-blowing, and one subproject in the medical aerosol industry. In addition, it will partially fund a non-profit foundation, Prozon, that will collect and process used refrigerants, primarily CFC-12.

Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP I)

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Supported by a multi-donor group, COREMAP will establish a coral reef management system in priority areas in 5 eastern Indonesian provinces. Strengthen coral reef management through improving management capacity and inter-agency coordination; capacity-building to prepare and implement strategies, plans and policies targetting coral reef rehabilitation and management; establishing coral reef management and information networks; increasing public awareness and participation in coral reef management.

Atlantic Biological Corridor

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The ABC project promotes long-term integrity of a Biological Corridor along Nicaragua's Atlantic slope. It will support preparation and implementation of protected area mgt. plans, and will fund subprojects in direct support of biodiversity conservation. It will assist local indigenous communities in demarcating their territories that abut biologically important zones. Project includes capacity-building, public awareness in protection and sustainable use of biodiversity for indigenous and non-indigenous communities in the region, and for municipal and regional authorities.

Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
Participatory, community-forest sustainable management systems in a 300,000 ha zone surrounding Niokolo-Koba National Park will be phased in over a 7-year period with the primary objectives of carbon sequestration and local income enhancement, and secondary biodiversity conservation benefits. A parallel, demand management and fuel substitution component, to be executed with the private sector and NGOs, will promote substitution of kerosene and liquid petroleum gas for charcoal, and will disseminate efficient charcoal stoves.