Integrated Management and Innovation in Rural Settlements

Council Notification letterGEF6927_2022_PIR_IFAD_Egypt_finalGEF_6927-2021-IFAD-PIR-EgyptGEF_6927_2023_PIR_IFAD_EgyptPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document for CEO Endorsement FinalReview SheetReview Sheet (PDF)SAIL - Activities GPSSTAP Review (PDF)
to enhance farmland productivity and income diversification in the reclaimed lands through increasing by 40% the average incomes of 60% rural poor household engaged in livestock value chains, with 30% of the target smallholders participating actively in commercial farming and business development by the end of the project.

Reducing UPOPs and Mercury Releases from Healthcare Waste Management, e-Waste Treatment, Scrap Processing and Biomass Burning

ACUERDO FIRMADO INIRIDA.pdfCEO endorsement requestCEO endorsement request document FINALCouncil LetterPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document PAD 1Project Review SheetReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
Introduce Best Environmental Practices (BEP) and Best Available Technologies (BAT) to reduce the release of unintentionally generated Persistent Organic Pollutants (UPOPs) and mercury from the treatment of healthcare waste (HCW), the processing of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), processing of iron and steel, and biomass burning in the sugarcane sector.