Sustainable Forest and Land Management in the Dry Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of Southern Lao PDR

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document (for CEO Endorsement)Request for CEO EndorsementReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)TE (GEF 6940 / UNDP 5448)
To facilitate a transformative shift towards sustainable land and forest management in the forested landscape of Savannakhet Province in order to secure the critical wildlife habitats, conserve biodiversity and maintain a continuous flow of multiple services including quality water provision and flood prevention.

Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECC)

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document v1Request for CEO EndorsementReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
The Project aims to develop and demonstrate innovative policy and technical assistance packages and support development of performance-based financing mechanisms to increase investment in climate technologies in Ukraine. The Project will aim to contribute to achieving an energy efficient economy and increased energy security in Ukraine, while improving its energy self-sufficiency, in line with Ukraine 2030 Strategy.