Piloting Innovative Investments for Sustainable Landscapes

9719_2021_PIR_UNEP_andGreen FinalGEF-LD-9719-Piloting Innovative-PIR 2022MSP PIF Request Document - resubmissionProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)
To maintain, restore or increase forest cover while intensifying agricultural production and improving the livelihoods of smallholders through piloting the de-risking of private finance in sustainable landscapes in seven target landscapes in Brazil, Indonesia, and Liberia

Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish)

GEFID9720_2021PIR_FAO_Regional_RLCGEFID9720_TER_FAO_Regional LACProject Document for CEO ApprovalReq CEO End - revReview Sheet (PDF)_9720_2019PIR_FAO_RegionalLAC
: to support the implementation of strategies 1,2,3 and sub-strategies 1.4, 1.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.7 of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf (CLME+) Strategic Action Plan (SAP) in Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Member States by empowering fisherfolks throughout fisheries value chains, and to upkeep their engagement in resource management, decision-making and sustainable livelihoods, with strengthened institutional support at all levels

Complete HCFC Phase-out in Uzbekistan through Promotion of Zero ODS Low GWP Energy Efficient Technologies

MSP PIF Request Document - Revised
The project is designed to accelerate HCFC phase-out to achieve the 2020 compliance objectives and sustainably reduce the servicing tail by 2030; help with understanding the implications of the Kigali Amendment through survey of ODS alternatives; and facilitate implementation of upgraded national legislation on control of import/export and use of HCFCs, other ODS and ODS alternatives; improveme Customs training capacity; demonstrate zero-ODS and low-GWP energy efficient technologies in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector with development of a resource mobilization framework from priv