Mainstreaming Conservation of Coastal Wetlands of Chile’s South Center Biodiversity Hotspot through Adaptive Management of Coastal Area Ecosystems

9766 Appendix 1 GEF Budget_23_07 revised clean for submission9766 Appendix 1 GEF Budget_24_059766 Appendix 17 PPG Outputs A9766 Appendix 17 PPG Outputs B9766 Appendix 17 PPG Outputs C9766 Appendix 17 PPG Outputs D9766 Appendix 18a Guide Carbon Calculation - Chile Coastal Landscapes9766 Appendix 18b Carbon Calculation - Chile Coastal Landscapes9766 Appendix 2 COF Budget_24_059766 Appendix 2 COF Budget_12_06 revised9766 CEO ER Coastal Landscapes Chile for PRC_24_059766 CEO ER Coastal Landscapes Chile_12_06 clean for submission9766 CEO ER Coastal Landscapes Chile_23_07 clean for submission9766 Prodoc Coastal Landscapes Chile 24_05 (for submission)9766 Prodoc Coastal Landscapes Chile_12_06 (for submission)9766 Prodoc Coastal Landscapes Chile_23_07 clean for submission9766_2021_PIR_UNEP_Chile_Wetlands9766_PIR_UNEP_2024_Chile Coastal Lansdcapes9766_RESPONSE to review_Chile Coastal Landscapes July 20199766_RESPONSE to review_Coastal Landscapes Chile_12_06Co-finance at MTRCoffinance letter Eng_Spa AraucoCoffinance letter Eng_Spa AudubonCoffinance letter Eng_Spa BNCoffinance letter Eng_Spa DGACoffinance letter Eng_Spa DOPCoffinance letter Eng_Spa MINVUCoffinance letter Eng_Spa MMACoffinance letter Eng_Spa MinagriCoffinance letter Eng_Spa SUBDERECofinance letter Eng_Spa CNHGEF-BD-9766-Chile Coastal Landscapes_FSP-PIR 2022GEF-BDLD-9766-Chile Coastal Landscapes-PIR 2023MTR ReportPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)UN Env
Chile is one of only five places in the world with a Mediterranean climate, where the Project area is located, recognized as one of the 35 biodiversity Hotspots, not only for their high levels of wealth and endemism in plant and animal species, but also for being regions with high risk of species extinction.

Fostering Multi-country Cooperation over Conjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in the Bug and Neman Transboundary River Basins and the Underlying Aquifer Systems

PRC-GEF Partnership Program for Sustainable Agricultural Development

PFD revised documentReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
Support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and China’s National Plan for Sustainable Development of Agriculture (2015-2030) by a) piloting and scaling up effective policy and investment measures to mainstream in-situ conservation and sustainable use of globally important genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA), b) improving the prevention, control and management of invasive alien species (IAS), c) conserving and enhancing carbon stock and promoting evidence-based and climate-smart conservation of grassland ecosystems, and d) collaborative innovation in climate ch