Integrated management of natural resources in the Bafing Faleme landscape

FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewID9783 CEO End LtrPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PIMS5677 Guinea MFA revised CEO endors request 19Nov2019PIMS5677 Guinea MFA revised CEO endors request 6 Dec 2019-1PIMS5677 Guinea MFA revised ProDoc 9 Dec 2019Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)rev_ID9783 CEO End Ltr
Promote an integrated and sustainable management of natural resources by introducing landscape approach and establishment and operationalisation of a cluster of protected areas (Middle Bafing National Park, Wildlife reserve and community forests) with a strong community involvement, along the Bafing and Falémé rivers, and establishing eco-villages around the protected areas