China Capacity Building for Enhanced Transparency Phase I

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO Approval
Based on new requirements of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement, to identify the capacities building needs of national GHG emission data management and transparency regime, to carry on the study of methyodology, institution design, data system application and capacity building training at national, local and enterprise levels, and to improve the integrated management national platform for GHG information and emissions data, so as to better support the implemention of the national low-carbon development objectives and the implementation of Paris Agreement.

Strengthening Land Degradation Neutrality data and decision-making through free and open access platforms

To provide improved methods and tools for assessing land degradation and understanding the socio-economic conditions of vulnerable communities in affected areas through the integration of free and open platforms to support country level implementation and reporting to the UNCCD

Reducing deforestation from palm oil and cocoa value chains

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCIGEF _GEFID10232_Liberia FOLUR_FY23 PIR_FINALCIGEF_GEFID10232_FOLUR FY24 PIRFSP CEO endorsement documentGEF CI Folur Project Grievance mechanism redressGEFID10232_FOLUR FY24 Core Indicators
To promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable food systems for enhanced livelihood opportunities in NW Liberia Landscape through land use planning, restoration of degraded lands, and strengthening governance, policies, and market incentives for nationally replicable models of deforestation-free cocoa and palm oil value chains.