Supporting Sierra Leone with the Shift to Electric Mobility

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10273_PIR_UNEP_2024_Sierra Leone E Mobility10273_Sierra Leone_CEO_MSP_Child Project_Circulation letterCEO endorsement documentGEF-CCM-10273-EM Sierra Leone-PIR 2023ID 10273 Pro Doc10273ID10273 Portal Entry Sierra Leone_
To mitigate GHG emissions in Sierra Leone by accelerating the introduction of electric mobility through development of legal, regulatory and institutional framework, capacity building, demonstration pilots of electric vehicles, development of business models for private sector engagement and finance schemes for upscaling and replication.

Support the Shift to Electric Mobility in the Seychelles

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10274_PIR_UNEP_2024_Seychelles e-mobility10274_Seychelles - CEO_MSP_Child Project_Circulation letterCEO endorsement documentGEF-CCM-10274 EM Seychelles-PIR 2023ID10274 UNEP Project DocumentPackage2021Portal Entry CEO Endorsement Request
Mitigate GHG emissions by accelerating the introduction of electric mobility in Seychelles through demonstration in public transportation, capacity building, and preparation of upscaling and replication through development of adequate electric mobility policies and financing concepts.

Support the Shift to Electric Mobility in Madagascar

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO endorsement document
Accelerating the introduction of electric mobility through development of legal, regulatory and institutional framework, public outreach, capacity building, demonstration pilots of electric vehicles, development of business models for private sector engagement and finance schemes for upscaling and replication.

Electrifying Mobility in Cities: Investing in the Transformation to Electric Mobility in India

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10276_PIR_ADB_2024_India EMFSP CEO endorsement document
To enable the GoI and relevant stakeholders to make the transformative shift to de-carbonize transport systems, catalyse access to finance for a large-scale adoption of EV across vehicle segments and reduce air pollution in cities by promoting scale-up of electric mobility(1) in India.