Eastern Europe and Central Asia Expanded Constituency Workshop 2023

The GEF Secretariat and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia co-hosted the Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for Europe and Central Asia recipient countries. The ECW brings together GEF focal points, representatives of relevant ministries, GEF agencies, and other key stakeholders to present and discuss GEF-8 programming opportunities. Invited constituencies include:

Europe - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Türkiye

Climate Adaptation Sub-regional Programming and Strategy Workshop for Least Developed Countries

The focus of this workshop series is on bringing together experts who are directly involved in adaptation project planning, decision making, and implementing adaptation action. Invited participants include the GEF’s Council members and alternate Council members from the region, as well as representatives from GEF agencies, the GEF’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, the Green Climate Fund, and the LDC Group within the UNFCCC. 

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures releases final recommendations

  • The TNFD Recommendations are a key milestone in the relationship between nature, business and financial capital, positioning nature risk alongside financial, operational and climate risk and helping to shift capital flows to nature-positive outcomes.
  • Present and future cashflows depend on the flow of nature’s inputs to business and accelerating nature loss poses a growing risk to businesses and capital providers.
  • The publication of 14 recommended disclosures and a suite of additional implementation guidance marks the culmination of a two-year consultative developm