Why gender justice matters for sustainable development

Submitted by Jason on

Women and girls are bearing a disproportionate burden in this time of environmental strain. Fires, storms, floods, and droughts have direct impacts on those tasked with collecting water, securing food, and caring for families. At the same time, women’s voices are often sidelined – or missing altogether – in decision-making about the environment and how to care for it.

Amid worry for the planet, GEF Assembly to propel bold collaboration for nature

The Global Environment Facility’s every-four-year gathering of 186 countries will take place in Vancouver at a time when the world is struggling to cope with record air and sea temperatures, deadly and destructive wildfires, and extreme flooding. At the top of the agenda? Setting a path to end nature loss and turn down the heat.

Attendees at international environmental meetings have grown accustomed to hearing warnings about the future – about risks to people and ecosystems if radical change does not occur.