Man looking at piles of rubbish at a landfill. Photo: Comaniciu Dan/Shutterstock.

Going circular offers a great opportunity

Combating climate change and the throwaway economy could achieve a leap in prosperity In the past few months, I have heard Sir David Attenborough, and believe him when he says the next 10 years are make-or-break time for environmental stability on this planet. I have heard Greta Thunberg, and share…
Wind turbines on Costa Rica ridgelines. Photo: Stefan Scherer-Emunds/Shutterstock.

Helping countries improve transparency to meet bold climate commitments

Costa Rica has an ambitious goal to become the first carbon neutral nation in the world by 2021. The Central American country has long been known for its environmental stewardship, but the commitments Costa Rica made for itself under the Paris Agreement have set a new high bar for decarbonization.…
Indonesian farmers harvesting rice. Photo: happystock/Shutterstock.

Transforming the food system to feed tomorrow's world

Supporting sustainable rice production protects the global commons, increases farmers’ incomes and is good for our business The delicate ecosystem that allows our planet and its people to thrive is under pressure as never before. The UK Government recently became the first in the world to declare a…
Honey bee on a flower. Photo: Zoran Kompar Photography/Shutterstock.

Celebrating biodiversity in all corners of the world

The recent IPBES Global Assessment Report revealed that around one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction, many within decades. Turning this situation around will take time, money, and collective efforts at many levels. Since 1993, when the Convention on Biological…
Our failure to act over the past decades means that we are increasingly accepting that a part of our climate disruption is irreversible, and looking at adapting to it. But this, of course, should not prevent us from setting targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to stop it getting worse. Photo: testing/Shutterstock.

Pricing carbon will help us better deal with climate change

Nearly 1,400 companies are adopting an internal carbon price so as to future-proof prosperity The impact of climate disruption is already visible worldwide: irreversible damage to the oceans, more floods and prolonged droughts, which are causing issues for food production. Methane explosions in…
While this year's Biological Diversity Day focuses on human nutrition and health, these are just a few of the aspects of life on Earth that are at stake when biodiversity’s future is threatened. But it’s not too late. We can change course. Photo: Conservation International/Aulia Erlangga.

This Biological Diversity Day, there is something to celebrate: proven solutions

The people who live along and fish the Mekong River within the Stung Treng protected wetland in northeast Cambodia may not be aware that they’re within the boundaries of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot—one of 36 global terrestrial regions of very high biological diversity that are under extreme…
The people living on the mountain are the poorest of the poor and the unluckiest of the unlucky - losing children, homes and crops to the conflict and lacking schools and medical clinics. These women, having seen years of fighting, were not willing to give up. Photo: <a href=\"\">Jen Guyton</a>.

Are you here to plant trees or help people?

How Gorongosa National Park is using agriculture to protect biodiversity and lift people out of poverty Imagine trying to convince a group of poor farmers who don’t know you to plant a crop that they’ve never heard of, has no nutritional value, and takes three years to start producing. After…
One key tool we use to share knowledge about the GEF is the Expanded Constituency Workshops (ECWs). These workshops were born out of a need for stakeholders within governments who are responsible for GEF activities – called GEF “focal points” – to understand how we work and provide clear expectations of their responsibilities. Photo: Ksenia Ragozina/Shutterstock.

Demystifying the GEF at a workshop in Latin America

Uruguay is a country whose economy was built on cattle grazing. It has rolling hills, a temperate climate, sprawling beaches, and no difficult-to-access areas, like jungles, dense forests, or mountainous regions. But while in some countries cattle farming is a driver of deforestation, in Uruguay it…
A new drive for cooperation is propelling civil society, labour leaders, company CEOs and some governments to join together to bind business, communities and policy makers into new forms of common environmental action. Photo: Humannet/Shutterstock

A new green revolution can fix our relationship with the Earth by 2030

Extraordinary collaboration is succeeding where national and international government action alone has so far failed For years, big environmental problems were for governments and international organisations to solve. But despite all their efforts the state of the global environmental commons has…
As part of our mission to protect globally important biodiversity, the GEF supports protection of endangered species around the world by securing their habitats and combating the illegal wildlife trade. Photo: Sretachok.P Oat/Shutterstock.

Save our species: an Earth Day "Did you know?"

April 22 is Earth Day and the theme this year is protecting endangered species. Beyond the beauty of the coral reefs, the majesty of whales, and the lovability of baby sea turtles, these species maintain ecosystems that are vital to our way of life. Nothing in the world exists on its own. As part…

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