
These 7 climate stories illustrate partnership in action

As governments, intergovernmental organizations, businesses, and civil society organizations gather in Madrid for the latest UN Climate Summit, we are reminded of the importance of partnerships to meaningfully address the challenges of a warming planet. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is…
Earth from space

Earth system alert

In response to growing public demand, policymakers and business leaders are increasingly uniting around shared commitments to reduce planet-warming greenhouse-gas emissions. But while phasing out fossil fuels is necessary, ensuring humanity's long-term survival will also require far-reaching…
Cargo ships entering one of the busiest ports in the world, Singapore.

The next challenge for business: adapting to climate change

The private sector must begin preparing for climate change and the ensuing disruption to operations and services with new approaches The future success of the private sector may not only depend on how successfully it can mitigate, but also on how it can adapt to climate change.…
Staff at a government-run waste management facility outside Seremban, Malaysia arrange seized ivory tusks before destroying

The real costs of illegal logging, fishing, and wildlife trade: $1 trillion–$2 trillion per year

Illegal logging, fishing and wildlife trade rob the world of precious natural resources – and ultimately of development benefits and livelihoods. The statistics are grim: an elephant is poached for its tusks about every 30 minutes, an African rhino for its horn every 8 hours, one in five fish is…
Argentine honey bees

Innovative investments in nature: native honey from the Chaco forest of Argentina

In the Argentine Chaco forest, the indigenous and creole peoples of Pampa del Indio work together to produce honey from the "melipona bees," which are native stingless bees (Tetragonisca fiebrigi and Scaptotrigona jujuyensis). In a recent blog, we explain how this zone has become a sanctuary for…
A man surrounded by vegetables and greens at his place at Indian Bazaar. A mix of colors and textures. Captured in India, Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi.

How to feed the world and nurture the planet: ideas from GEF partners

Transforming food systems and pursuing healthier diets are key to achieving food security and reducing environmental degradation   Achieving Zero Hunger is not only about feeding people, but also ensuring proper nutrition and nurturing the planet. This year, World Food Day calls for action…
Basket of vegetables

Producing sustainable food is every company's business

Businesses of all kinds must be prepared to help re-imagine the world’s food system, which is not fit for purpose Are you reading this with a cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate or maybe even a protein bar with nuts and puffed rice?  There is a good chance that the coffee beans, cocoa, nuts or…
Oslo harbor at the Aker Brygge neighbourhood in Oslo

Can cities change the world through what they eat?

Shifting to healthier and more sustainable diets will benefit people and the planet – and build prosperity Three years ago, our city of Oslo was the first to introduce a “climate budget”. The city government budgets its emissions like it budgets its money. Long-term political promises become…
Deforested area

Sustainable development in Asia: seeing both the forests and the trees

As the continent comes to dominate the global economy, it will do much to determine the fate of the global commons As a young Asian business leader, it is fascinating to be part of an important transformation – the rise of Asia in the global economy.  Next year is expected to mark the tipping…
Combine in wheat field

We need a new approach to growing and consuming food

Food wastage must be reduced, consumer preferences must change and farmers must be weaned on to ecologically sustainable practices From consumers in London to drought-prone farmers in central India, nobody needs convincing that climate is changing for the worse. But policymakers are failing to…

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