Person spraying disinfectant on cow farm

How can we avoid another pandemic?

There are three steps governments must take to demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding global commons and reducing the risk of cascading catastrophes. It cannot be hammered home too often: the root cause of the COVID-19 pandemic is the unsustainable world that we have built. It is a world in…
Solar panels in Madagascar

How a COVID-19 recovery could lead to a more resilient Africa

There is no getting around it: the COVID-19 crisis will hit Africa’s people particularly hard. Even if the infection rate remains low, the socioeconomic devastation is already being felt. Access to clean water supply and basic health services remain a challenge throughout the continent,…
Joggers run through a park near London at sunrise

How can we create a more prosperous economy and protect the planet?

After the COVID-19 pandemic we can do better than simply return to business as usual It’s a cruel and twisted enemy that claims not only people’s lives and livelihoods but makes us each a danger to our loved ones. Attacking societies at their core, coronavirus is the greatest test we have faced…
Photo from youth climate march in May 2019

Why I have high hopes for nature this Earth Day

COVID-19 has made the case for taking better care of the home we share Like many others, I began 2020 with high hopes. This was meant to be a year that would yield desperately-needed accords about biodiversity, oceans, and climate change, propelled by increasing awareness about the value of…
Group photo of gold miners in Philippines

Why small-scale miners need our attention this Earth Day

On this day in 1970, millions of people in the United States turned out for rallies across the country calling for environmental protections against oil spills, air pollution, toxic dumps, pesticides, and other hazards to the environment. That day marked the beginning of a movement that would…
Girl displays her painting of a rainbow in the window

How we can all come back better - and greener - after COVID-19

Pairing action on the pandemic and on climate change will ensure that economies end up stronger than before Fifty years ago today, protecting the environment became a mass movement when 20 million Americans took to the streets in hundreds of cities around the country to mark the first Earth Day.…
Illustration of Earth

This Earth Day, reflecting on the global commons we share

Earth Day 2020 comes at a pivotal moment for our planet. This is the first time since the global celebration was launched 50 years ago where Earth Day events are only digital. COVID-19 has affected the whole world, driving home how connected we are while also keeping us apart in a time of required…
Gold flakes in a sifting pan

Monitoring the impacts of COVID-19 on artisanal and small-scale gold mining

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) is having profound impacts throughout the world. What's happening to ASGM miners, their communities, and planetGOLD country project teams? The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges throughout the world, upending the global economy, threatening the…
Chinese factory worker adjusting machinery

Industrial energy efficiency: the invisible climate solution

The burning of fossil fuels for energy is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions. So, any effort to mitigate climate change must involve energy efficient strategies. After all, the easiest and cheapest clean energy solution lies in the energy that we don’t use. When it comes…
Panorama of Big Almaty Lake on Sunny summer day, Kazakhstan

High stakes at high altitudes: glaciers and the case for integrated climate and water action

Being from Denmark - a small, cold, and wet Nordic country that is barely above sea-level - I was sensitized early to the connections between climate conditions and water, from the power of coastal storms to the importance of flood controls. What I have learned since, as an international waters…

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