Inka Terra: An Innovative Partnership for Self-Financing Biodiversity Conservation & Community Development

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
Goal: To catalyse self-financing uses of the 10,000 hectare Inka Terra Ecological Reserve (IER) that achieve biodiversity conservation and sustainable development for local communities. This is expected to provide a replicable model for engaging the private sector in achieving financial sustainability for protected areas.

Energy Sector Reform Project

Cover Letter from IAEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF-B DocumentPDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The overall objective of the Energy Sector Reform and Development Project is to help the Government enhance the efficiency of the energy sector, increase access of rural areas to modern sources of energy, and improve the management of natural forest resources. The project seeks to foster private sector development and competition in the energy sector, and empower local communities. Within this context, the global environmental objective of the project is to reduce national carbon emissions by creating an enabling framework for energy conservation and renewable energy.

Strengthening Capacity for Managing National Parks and Biodiversity

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The objective of the project is to protect and manage biodiversity in a sustainable way and contribute to the diversification of national economy through strengthened capacities of parks and wildlife authorities. The proposed GEF project is designed to complement the Gabon’s Forest and Environment Sector Program (PSFE), a sector wide, multi donor program led by the Ministry of Forests.

Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)Scanned Letter to IA (CEO Approval Letter)
The project will assist the Government of Gambia to promote active stakeholder participation in biodiversity conservation and management inside and outside key protected areas. The processes and mechanisms will be initially developed in two contrasting sites and their replicability tested in at least one further site during project implementation. Identified sites are the Tambi, Bao Bolong and Niumi wetlands, The goal of the project is to conserve and sustainably manage globally significant biodiversity in coastal, marine and wetland ecosystems in Gambia.

Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity in the Lower Volga Region

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentEndorsement Letters from GovernmentExecutive Summary (revised)MapPDF-A DocumentPDF-B DocumentProject Additional informationProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The resulting project would assist the Russian Federation to secure the Lower Volga;'s global biodiversity by: (a) strengthening the existing planning and management capacity for wetland management and biodiversity conservation; (b) assessing options and develop alternatives to current land, water, and resource management to foster more adaptive and biodiversity friendly management policies and practices; (c) strengthening the existing legal and regulatory base and enforcement capability to combat local natural resource over-exploitation; (d) improving awareness of wetland conservation issues

Rural Power

1071 TECover Letter from IAPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Cover NoteProject Document for WP (Revised)UNDPs budget revisionproject document toc
The purpose of this PDF activity is to directly assist preparation of a specific investment project component in electrification of off-grid rural areas in the Philippines, on a least cost basis, that is expected to include significant use of appropriate new and renewable energy (NRE) technologies and thus contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

DBSB: Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea

Ltr to IAProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)
1. Project development objective: The project’s overall development objective is to support sustainable natural resource management practices in 28 microcatchments in Anatolia and Turkey’s Black Sea Region and thereby raise incomes of communities affected by resource degradation.