Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika

AnnexesActivity NotesBudgetCEO Endorsement (revised)Endorsement Letter from Government-BurundiExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)PDF-B SupplementalProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The Pilot Phase GEF project allowed to achive the following results: ·ØThe Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Sustainable Management of Lake Tanganyika completed and endorsed; ·ØThe Transboundary Diagnostic Analysi completed and endorsed; ·ØThe Convention on the Sustainable Management of Lake Tanganyik drafted and agreed upona; and ·ØScientific and Technical Reports on the State of the Lake. Based on these results, the UNDP-GEF, the FAO and the AfDB have agreed that they will work together to bring about the long-term sustainable use of the resources of Lake Tanganyika.

Capacity-building for Improving the Quality of Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Europe and CIS)

Project Document for WP (Revised)project document (revised)
The objective of the project will be achieved by developing capacity in non-Annex I Parties for improving emission factors and appropriate data through data collection procedures, and by strengthening national institutions to estimate national greenhouse gas emissions and removals. The outputs of the project will contribute significantly towards the preparation of national inventories for second National Communications.

Capacity Building for Observation Systems for Climate Change (Pacific and Africa)

Cover Letter from IAPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The overall aim of this project is to develop capacity in a significant number of non-Annex I Parties to participate in systematic observation networks to meet the multiple needs of the Convention. The specific short-term objectives are to contribute to the reporting of systematic observation and research needs in the context of non-Annex I National Communications on a voluntary basis and to identify priority capacity-building needs related to participation in systematic observation (e.g., needs for training, equipment, communications, etc).

Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Mataven Forest

Project Document for CEO ApprovalProject Summary (PDF-A)Scanned Letter -Focal Point
The objective of the project is to support the indigenous communities of the Matavén Forest to plan the management and conservation of its biodiversity in a sustainable way, thereby contributing to an improvement in the quality of life and the preservation of their natural and cultural heritage.

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Chiloé Globally Significant Biodiversity

Project Document for CEO Approval
This project will take a bioregional approach to biodiversity conservation, ensuring conservation within the national park, while at the same time demonstrating biodiversity-friendly alternatives in the wider Chiloé landscape. Both approaches will build upon the approach demonstrated through the Chiloé Model Forest. These Model Forests are about community-based partnerships and about people learning to make decisions together.

Integrated Ecosystem Management of Transboundary Areas between Niger and Nigeria Phase I: Strengthening of Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Collaboration and Pilot Demonstrations of IEM

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will promote holistic approaches to integrated watershed and ecosystem management based on participatory and community-based strategies in the transboundary drylands. In particular, it will promote sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity and the sustainable use of land and water at the watershed level. It will also strengthen and improve the management of existing protected areas. Moreover, the project will develop flexible land and water management strategies adapted to the variable natural conditions.

Ecosystems, Protected Areas and People

Annex 1Annex 2Annex 3Annex 4Annex 5Annex 6Annex 7Annex 8Country EndorsementsProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The overall goal of the project is that protected areas in developing countries that contain biodiversity of high global value will be managed adaptively to cope with the threats and capture opportunities from global change factors. This project will consist of a cooperative program with local stakeholders for the purpose of articulating, analyzing, and sharing lessons being learned from work already funded and in progress through a Protected Areas Learning Network (PALNet).

In Situ/On Farm Conservation and Use of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia

AnnexesEndorsement Letter from GovernmentEndorsement LettersEndorsement Letters from GovernmentExecutive SummaryExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-A DocumentPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The purpose of the project is to provide farmers, institutes and local communities with knowledge, methodology and policies to conserve globally significant in situ/on-farm horticultural crops and wild fruit species in Central Asia. This will contribute to achieving sustainable agricultural development, food security and environmental stability. The project has a particular focus on traditional local varieties of fruit crops maintained by farmers and their wild relatives growing in forests, and on the enhancement of farmers' and community capacities to conserve in situ horticulture diversity.

Enhancing Coverage and Management Effectiveness of the Subsystem of Forest Protected Areas in Turkey’s National System of Protected Areas

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentMSP project documentPIF Document (Revised)
The overall objective of the project is to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable use of natural resources in Kure Mountains as a contribution to the objectives of Turkey’s National Biodiversity Strategy and towards global biodiversity conservation.

Strengthening Governance and Financial Sustainability of the National Protected Area System

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentMap of project areaPDF-A DocumentPDF-B DocumentPIF Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Request for CEO EndorsementSTAP Screening
The main objective of the project is to ensure conservation of globally significant biodiversity in the Ukrainian Upper Pripyat. It will do so through the strengthening of biodiversity conservation efforts for the Shatsk National Park and the new national park in the Pripyat-Stokhod landscape complex (including restoration of critical areas). It will ensure biodiversity-friendly land use practices in the agriculture, tourism, forestry and fishing sectors and will improve public awareness and environmental education for biodiversity conservation.