Promotion of a Wind Power Market

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF Evaluation ReportPDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The main objective of this IPP Wind Power project is to help create a sustainable wind power market in Jordan in order to increase the supply of electricity in an environmentally sustainable way by overcoming barriers to windfarm development such as higher generation cost from windfarms, lack of a legal and regulatory framework for windfarm development, lack of institutional capacity, and inadequate information on wind resources.

Adaptation Learning Mechanism: Learning by Doing

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project will maximize adaptation learning through implementation of projects under the GEF’s Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA), and will generate knowledge to help further guide implementation and improve impacts of GEF adaptation projects. The objective of the project is to provide tools and establish a learning platform for mainstreaming adaptation to climate change within the development planning of GEF eligible countries.

Assessment of Capacity Building Needs to Address the Priorities of the BSAP - Phase II

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The objective of this request for a second phase biodiversity-enabling activity grant (EA II) is to assist Albania in reviewing the progress on the priorities identified in the BSAP; identifying the gaps, bottlenecks, options and future priority needs; evaluating its further capacity building needs; analyzing functional capabilities and determining mechanisms necessary to protect national biodiversity in accordance with the BSAP recommendations, and the GEF and CoP/CBD guidelines. The EA II would also support establishment of a CHM and preparation of the second National Report to the CoP.

Disaster Hazard Mitigation Project (DHMP)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The global environmental objective of the project is to protect the integrity of the Mailuu-Suu ecosystem by addressing transboundary contamination of the Mailuu-Suu river and land degradation in the surrounding areas. In particular, the project will aim at keeping the transboundary pollution loads within the applicable standards, ensuring sustainable natural resources management to reduce the risk of landslides, and strengthening regional cooperation among neighboring countries to mitigate natural hazard risks.

Action for the Development of Marshall Islands Renewable Energies (ADMIRE)

2568 TEEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
ADMIRE is envisioned to contribute to the reduction of the growth rate of GHG emissions from the diesel-based power generation in RMI. The project is expected to spur widespread application of RE technology not only to meet the electricity needs of the country but also provide the other energy requirements in the other major sectors of the national economy.

Enabling activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): National Implementation Plan for Panama

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
Within the overall objective of the Stockholm Convention, which is to protect human health and the environment from POPs, the project will i. Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in Panama; ii. Assist Panama in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and iii. Strengthen Panama’s national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals in general.

Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool for the Benguela Coastal Areas (DLIST-Benguela)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document (for CEO Endorsement)
The overall aim of DLIST-Benguela is to increase access of local communities to information that is critical to environmental management and sustainable livelihood creation, founded on the Benguela Current’s coastal and marine resources. Already through the pilot, as a tool accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, DLIST is ideally positioned to translate the outputs from the science and institutional building actions and investigations of the GEF IW BCLME program, and the BENEFIT program into management action, through mass education and awareness building amongst stakeholder communities.

Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Azerbaijan

Project Document for CEO Approval
The overall objective of the proposed Enabling Activities (EA) is to strengthen national capacity and capability to prepare a National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the management of POPs. This plan will provide a basic and essential level of information to enable policy and strategic decisions to be made and identify priority activities that the Republic of Azerbaijan should undertake in order to meet the requirements of the Stockholm Convention.