Additional Financing for Capacity Assessment in Biodiversity Priority Areas

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
8.The goal of this request for a second phase biodiversity-enabling activity grant is to assist the Republic of Tajikistan in further evaluating its capacity building needs, defining country specific priorities, analyzing functional capabilities and determining mechanisms necessary to protect national biodiversity in accordance with the BSAP recommendations, and the GEF and CoP/CBD guidelines.

Enabling Activities for the Preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
Establishment, composition and mandate of the NAPA national network and identification of a lead agency. Review of studies/reports on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (combined with the stocktaking for the NCSA). Consultation workshop on major areas of vulnerability to climate change and key adaptation measures and development of country driven criteria for prioritisation of adaptation measures. Prioritisation of adaptation measures using criteria Drafting proposals for implementation of priority adaptation activities. Public Review of the draft NAPA.

Sustainable Energy Program

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The objectives of the project are to: ·Change the current unfavorable investment and incentive conditions and create an enabling environment in Macedonia that fosters the development of sustainable energy utilization (in this context defined as efficient use of energy and use of renewable energy sources) through providing financial, methodological, informational, and institutional support; ·Support a large increase in energy efficiency (EE) investment in Macedonia through development of a self-sustaining, market-based financing mechanism based on a principle of commercial co-financing.

Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies for Empowerment of Vulnerable Communities in Kutch Area

The immediate objectives of the project are to: 1. Increase income of salt workers, small farmers and handicraft workers by building capacity in appropriate application of renewable energy sources. 2.Improve quality of services of education, health, drinking water, information, lighting and entertainment.

Assessment of Risk Management Instruments for Financing Renewable Energy

Letter of SupportProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The proposed assessment effort aims to identify options for GEF risk management interventions for RET projects, covering both insurance-based and non-insurance instruments in close collaboration with private sector stakeholders, the World Bank and UNDP. The ultimate goal of the effort is to bring about the faster and more systematic deployment of renewable energy technologies by supporting and positively influencing the development of markets for renewable energy project risk management instruments.