Development of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), Assessment of Capacity Building Needs for In-situ and Ex-situ Biodiversity Conservation

To enable Afghanistan to better meet its immediate obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity, especially in relation to Article 6 by developing a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, which incorporates the decisions and work programmes of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and submit it to the CBD Secretariat.

To enable Afghanistan to assess its capacity building needs in priority areas for the conservation in-situ and ex-situ of its biodiversity.

Assessment of Capacity Building Needs, Preparation of Second and Third National Report (CBD) and the Clearing House Mechanism - ADD ON

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
To identify, evaluate and prioritize the capacity building needs and information gaps as regards policies, plans and strategies for access and benefit sharing, traditional knowledge, monitoring programmes and implementation of incentive measures.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacitiy Building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in East Timor

3176 Timor-Leste SLM TE Report- Final draft3405_Timor-Leste SLM TE Report- Final draft
The long-term goal of the project is to ensure that the agricultural, forest and other terrestrial land uses of Timor-Leste (TL) are sustainable, productive systems that maintain ecosystem productivity and ecological functions while contributing directly to the environmental, economic and social well-being of the country. The objective of the project is to build capacities for sustainable land management (SLM) in appropriate government and civil society institutions and user groups and mainstream SLM into government planning and strategy development.

Facilitating Sustainable Mobility in Tehran

PDF-A DocumentPIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Project ConceptSTAP Review
The overall goal of the proposed project is reduced growth in GHG emissions from the Transport sector in Tehran and ultimately upon successful replication, reduced GHG emissions from the Transport sectors of large and medium-sized urban areas of Iran, to minimize effects on the global and local environment. The project objective is to substantially reduce congestion and traffic levels and improve overall mobility in Tehran, thus improving health indicators and productivity in Tehran’s economic life.

National Capacity Self Assessment for Global Environmental Management (NCSA)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
The primary objective of the NCSA is to identify country level priorities and needs for capacity building to address global environmental issues, in particular, enhance the capacity of Turkey to meet its existing commitments under the UNCBD, UNCCD, and the UNFCCC.

Pollution Reduction through Improved Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities in ACP Countries with a Focus on SIDS

Project Document for CEO Approval
The immediate objectives of the project are as follows: 1.To increase capacity of municipalities in ACP countries to identify and formulate projects to collect and either treat or re-use municipal wastewater that are: a.environmentally friendly, b.technologically feasible, and c.financially sustainable.

Continued Institutional Strengthening Support for CEITs to meet the obligations of the Montreal Protocol

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO ApprovalProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project aims at further institutional strengthening and capacity building in support of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The project responds in particular to concerns raised by the Implementation Committee regarding the difficulties that these countries have to keep to their reporting obligations after the end of the initial GEF support for Institutional Strengthening, and to residual consumption of CFCs in some of the participating countries.